MTA Monitoring Report 08/28/15 - 09/03/15

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Detrended CTI

Although we prefer to quote CTI values of the cleanest data (FT <= -119.7 C, int time > 7000sec), the data that fulfills these conditions are getting rare. We now quote CTI based on temperature corrected data for Focal plane temperature <= -118.5 C).

The unit is now CTI/year not CTI/day.

Average of ACIS-I CCDs (MnKa) slope: 1.634e-6 CTI/year (4.477e-9 CTI/day)
Detrended slope: 1.570e-6 CTI/year (4.301e-9 CTI/day)

ACIS Warm Pixels

We display all bad pixels that have showed up in past, and, if any, previously unknown bad pixels appeared in the last 14 days. We also list hot pixels (defined as 1000 above the average of bias background). Warm columns 509-514 are probably due to boundaries.

New definitions of warm pixels and flickering pixels (May 15, 2014). If a pixel displays the level beyond a threshold for more than 70% of the time in the past two weeks, the pixel is categorized as a "warm" pixel. If a pixel is above the threshold more than 30% of time but less than 70% of the time in the past two weeks, the pixel is categorized as a "flickering" pixel.

Previously Unknown Bad Pixels                    
Current Warm Pixels (692,141) (153,205) (143,700) (427,125) (910,239) (802,665) (726,537) (21,95)            
Flickering Warm Pixels     (526,66) (811,637)   (607,281) (357,303) (369,376) (669,577) (263,317) (367,511) (161,206) (341,427) (1000,214) (335,412) (182,474) (197,241) (881,53)  
Current Hot Pixels                    
Flickering Hot Pixels                    
Warm column candidates         884 510 512 1022   512 1022    
Flickering Warm Column Candidates                    

ACIS Focal Plane Temperature

For this period, 3 peaks are observed.

Weekly focal plane temperature with sun angle, earth angle, and altitude overplotted. Sun angle is the solar array angle, that is the angle between the sun and the optical axis (+X axis). The earth angle is the angle between earth and the ACIS radiator (+Z axis). Altitude varies from 34 kkm to 128 kkm.

SIM Movements

11 TSC moves this period


New violations or new extrema are shown in blue cells.

MSID 08/28/15 08/29/15 08/30/15 08/31/15 09/01/15 09/02/15 09/03/15 yellow limits
red limits
Units Description
OHRTHR27 297.34 297.34 297.34 297.35 297.34 297.34 297.34 (295.48)
OHRTHR42 294.57 294.54 294.59 294.61 294.64 294.63 294.57 (292.15)
OHRTHR43 294.47 294.37 294.53 294.60 294.68 294.56 294.42 (291.59)


Recent Observations

16689 ACIS-5678 HETG V794 Aql OK OK
18352 ACIS-23678 NONE NGC 660 OK OK
17477 ACIS-01236 NONE SPT CLJ 2335-4544 OK OK
17310 ACIS-012367 NONE UDS OK OK
17571 ACIS-35678 NONE SN2014C OK OK
17154 ACIS-01236 NONE RM J124930.9+494902.3 OK OK
17627 ACIS-01236 NONE Abell 1795 outskirts OK OK
17148 ACIS-7 NONE PG 2112+059 OK OK
17157 ACIS-01236 NONE RM J230707.5+163246.1 OK OK
17445 ACIS-01237 NONE M31 bulge OK OK
17528 ACIS-01236 NONE Cygnus A - E Hotspot OK OK
17613 ACIS-01236 NONE Abell 1795 outskirts OK OK
17700 ACIS-2367 NONE G1.9+0.3 OK OK
17185 ACIS-01237 NONE RXCJ0041.0-4428 OK OK
17127 ACIS-67 NONE SDSS J114816.64+525150.3 OK OK
16755 ACIS-5678 NONE GRB150831A OK OK
17143 ACIS-01236 NONE Cygnus A - E Hotspot OK OK
17025 ACIS-678 NONE SDSS J0040+0059 OK OK


This week's focus is HRMA Thermal

Last reported on Jun 11.

Only the most interesting or representative msids are shown below. For a full listing choose the bulletted link.

Min/max envelopes in dark blue appear on the trending plots. The envelopes are 4th degree fits to the monthly minimum and maximum values for each MSID. The final polynomial form and binning are still being experimented with. We will soon add to the trending pages a report of the fits and predictions they give on future limit violations. The light blue curve is our original smoothing of all the data over 30 day moving boxcars. The green/yellow line is a linear fit to all the data; the break occurs at a limit change.

If you have any questions, please contact: