See Shift M6623. Start at 251:19:45 GMT PLAN: ----- Execute CAP 1432 to enable SCS 107, change the OBSID, and uplink commands to execute a 24-hour 4-chip CTI run with ACIS-I. NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS --------------------- This long CTI run was interrupted by the SEP0917C science resumption loads as planned. SUMMARY: --------- CAP1432 ran as expected and started a 24 hour CTI run on 4 ACIS chips. TIMELINE (GMT DOY 251) ---------------------------- 251:19:45 AOS on DSS 54 251:19:46 OC/CC perform SOH 251:20:02 OC/CC start CAP 1432 251:20:04 SCS107 enabled 251:20:06 Obsid changed to 62661 251:20:08 RADMON enabled 251:20:08 HRC Anti-Co shield turned on and high voltage ramped up 251:20:09 ACIS commands sent to start the science run 251:20:10 ACIS verified that the science run executed normally 251:20:12 OC/CC and ACIS verified the DPA input currents and 1STAT1ST bit 251:20:14 End CAP1432 251:20:15 OC/CC start SSR playback 251:20:45 LOS