See Shift L9307. Start at 013:14:09 GMT PLAN ---- Finish: 2025:013:13:39:12 Obsid: 28538 SI: ACIS-S (30 ksec) Target: NGC1300 Then: 2025:013:22:59:53 Obsid: 29875 SI: ACIS-S (15 ksec) Target: SDSS J082730.64 2025:014:03:50:18 Obsid: 29836 SI: ACIS-I (13 ksec) Target: PSR J1418-6058 2025:014:08:02:02 Obsid: 29623 SI: ACIS-I (20 ksec) Target: A1795 2025:014:14:08:48 Obsid: 30730 SI: ACIS-S (22 ksec) Target: SDSS J082730.64 NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS --------------------- From the 9am status meeting: 10 Supports Completed over the weekend (Total time: 23.2 hours) 13 SSR dumps Loads good through: 2025:014:14:50:02.000 CAP's / Procedures Run: CAP # | Time | Title / Description / Notes [593A](/occweb/web/webapps/ifot/ifot.php?r=flightops&t=properties&format=sheet&id=950628) | 012/1436z | Manual SCS-107 Activation This CAP will be used to Safe the Science Instruments due to high radiation environment. [1771](/occweb/web/webapps/ifot/ifot.php?r=flightops&t=properties&format=sheet&id=950633) | 012/2029z | LETG Diagnostic Manual Insert The LETG insertion on day 2025:012 failed due to the Insert microswitch not reading INSR at the end of the move. Without this positive indication of LETG insertion, OTG FSW cannot be used to retract the grating. A manual insertion will be commanded using timed SCSs to execute the motions as a diagnostic attempt to get the Insert Microswitch to engage and stay engaged. [1772](/occweb/web/webapps/ifot/ifot.php?r=flightops&t=properties&format=sheet&id=950640) | 013/0020z | Reset Last Move Success Flag and Retract LETG If an OTG motion fails for any reason the Last_Sequence_Successful flag is set to False to inhibit future OTG motions. To re-enable OTG motions after the initial OTG motion error is corrected; the Last_Sequence_Sucessful flag must be reset to True. After the Last_Sequence_Successful is reset, a software retraction of the LETG will be commanded so that the final conditions can be verified in realtime. Radiation: Solar activity is expected to be low with a chance for M-class flares and a slight chance for an X-class flare on days one, two, and three (13 Jan, 14 Jan, 15 Jan). MP: JAN1425 Return-to-Science loads out for review. ENG: LETG insertion issues on Saturday night. Ran through all allowed short moves, but failed to trigger insert microswitch. SCS 107 manually activated to safe instruments and stop loads. Also ran CAP 1772 to clear failed move flag. Flag cleared up but retration not performed due to glitch in OBC with forthcoming patch. Reasoning behind failure of microswitch triggering still in investigation. GOT: No issues. Quick look data: ---------------- OBSID Target Instr Grat ----- ------ ----- ---- 30727 NGC 5548 HRC-S LETG 28166 SDSS J021340.14-050149.1 ACIS-S NONE 28808 PSZ2G162.33+25.03 ACIS-I NONE 30554 NGC 5548 HRC-S LETG 30712 CGCG 081-001 ACIS-S NONE 30711 SDSSJ075147.71+245352.7 ACIS-S NONE 29758 1eRASS J112803.5+310335 ACIS-S NONE Next Comms: ----------- Support (GMT) BOT EOT Station Site Track time (local) --------------- ---- ---- --------- --------- ------------------------- 013/1345-1600 1445 1615 DSS-24 GOLDSTONE 0945-1115 EST, Mon 13 Jan 013/2015-2230 2115 2215 DSS-26 GOLDSTONE 1615-1715 EST, Mon 13 Jan 014/0145-0345 0245 0330 DSS-54 MADRID 2145-2230 EST, Mon 13 Jan 014/1220-1435 1320 1420 DSS-65 MADRID 0820-0920 EST, Tue 14 Jan 014/2015-2230 2115 2215 DSS-24 GOLDSTONE 1615-1715 EST, Tue 14 Jan SNAPSHOT summary: ----------------- UTC 2025:013:01:59:01 (Jan13) f_ACE 8.85e+00 F_CRM 0.00e+00 Kp 1.3 R km 86513D OBT 2025:013:01:56:27 CTUVCDU 16548095 OBC s/w NRML FMT2_NORM CPEstat NORM OBT 853120587.13 ONLVCDU 16548088 OBC Errs 0 OBSID 28203 EPState SUN SIM TTpos -99616 HETG Angle 77.59 PCADMODE NPNT RA 141.033 Bus V 26.48 SIM FApos -467 LETG Angle 4.09 PCONTROL NPNT Dec 14.169 Bus I 23.40 AOFSTAR GUID Roll 61.997 ACA Object SSSSSSSS Dither ENAB HRC-I HV OFF ACA ImFunc NNNTTTTT Dith Yang -11.15 Yaw Rate 0.23 HRC-S HV OFF ACA CCD Temp -4.3 Dith Zang 10.65 Pitch Rate 0.28 SHLD HV 0.0 ACA Int Time 1.698 Roll Rate -0.09 EVT RT 6374 AOACSTAT OK FSS SunBeta NSUN SHLD RT 0 FSS Alfa -49.50 Batt 1 SOC 100.00% Avg HRMA Temp 74.00 FSS Beta -49.72 Batt 2 SOC 100.00% A -15 V -0.62 Avg OBA Temp 86.43 SA Resolv 154.04 Batt 3 SOC 100.00% A +15 V 2.81 OBA Tavg Fault NFLT SA Sun Pres ILLM A +5 V 4.84 OBA Trng Fault NFLT +Y SA Amps 11.60 A +24 V 0.00 HRMA power 0.00 SCS 128 ACT -Y SA Amps 11.41 OBA power 35.10 SCS 129 ACT +Y SA Temp 119.15 SCS 130 ACT -Y SA Temp 117.68 ACIS Stat7-0 6 Roll Mom. 5.282 SCS 131 DISA Cold Rad -115. Pitch Mom. -4.805 SCS 132 DISA Ephin Temp 0.0000 Warm Rad -79.6 Yaw Mom. 6.672 SCS 133 DISA EIO Temp 0.0000 RadMon DISA PMTANKP 143.738 SCS 107 DISA EPH temp 166.95 UpLCmdAcc 49310 IRU2G2 curr 115.20 M Unload MON Cmd Rej A 113 IRU2G1 curr 96.00 Roll Bias 1.7115 TSC Move STOP Prop. line 03 134.13 Pitch Bias -3.8594 FA Move STOP CTX A PWR 36.27 Prop. line 04 119.92 Yaw Bias -1.7772 OTG Move DISA CTX A Volts 3.52 UTC 2025:013:14:09:02 (Jan13) f_ACE 1.03e+01 F_CRM 0.00e+00 Kp 2.3 R km 57543A Currently scheduled FPSI, OTG : HRC-S LETG Estimated Kp : 2.3 ACE EPAM P3 Proton Flux (p/cm^2-s-sr-MeV) : 1.03e+01 GOES-R P4 flux, in RADMON P4GM units : 0.058 GOES-R P7 flux, in RADMON P41GM units : 0.003 GOES-R E > 2.0 MeV flux (p/cm^2-s-sr) : 4.0 Orbit Start Time : 0.003 Geocentric Distance (km), Orbit Leg : 57543 A CRM Region : 3 (Magnetosphere) External Proton Flux (p/cm^2-s-sr-MeV) : 9.7532e+02 Attenuated Proton Flux (p/cm^2-s-sr-MeV) : 0.0000e+00 External Proton Orbital Fluence (p/cm^2-sr-MeV) : 2.9357e+05 Attenuated Proton Orbital Fluence (p/cm^2-sr-MeV) : 0.0000e+00