About the Chandra Radiation Environment Summary

See also
ACIS Ops Response to Radiation Events
About ACE Monitoring

Current orbit start, configuration, and current fluxes/orbital (CRM and Goes) fluences come from /proj/rac/ops/CRM3/CRMsummary.dat
EPHIN rates come from /pool14/chandra/chandra_psi.snapshot
Current unattenuated ACE comes from /proj/rac/ops/ACE/fluace.dat
Current ACE attenuated data comes from /export/acis-flight/FLU-MON/current.dat

Upcoming spacecraft configuration and radzones come from /proj/sot/ska/data/arc/iFOT_events files.

We calculate the attenuation factors to be used for GOES calculations from the CRM data:
att_factor= crm_flx_att/crm_flx
att_flu_factor= crm_flu_att/crm_flu

Future attenuated fluences until the next comm, second comm, and next radzone entry based on the upcoming configuration so that:

future_attenuated_fluence = current_attenuated_fluence + (curr_unattenuated_flux * future_attenuation_factor)
future_attenuation_factor = hrc_time*0 + acis_bare_time*1 + acis_hetg_time*0.2 + acis_letg_time*0.5

Last updated: 04/20/11