Most Recent ACE Fluxes and Fluences When CXO Is Above 70kkm

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Latest valid ACE flux data...
# UT Date   Time  Julian  of the  ----- Electron -----   ------------------- Protons keV -------------------   Anis.
# YR MO DA  HHMM    Day    Day    S    38-53   175-315   S    47-68   115-195   310-580   795-1193 1060-1900   Index
2024 07 18  0255   60509   10500  0  2.17e+03  2.83e+01  0  2.71e+03  7.80e+01  9.99e+00  4.28e+00  1.16e+00  -1.00
Latest ACE fluence when CXO is above 70kkm                                                                   Int Time (s)
2024 07 18  0255   60509   10500  -  8.91e+07  1.08e+06  -  1.14e+08  3.75e+06  5.00e+05  1.77e+05  5.82e+04   25800

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