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20170911 Science Run Interruption

Science Run Stop: 2017:09:11:07:51
Science Run Start: 2017:09:13:22:56
Interruption: 171.6ks
Triggered by: auto

Note about this event.

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ACE Plot (E38/E175, P47/P112/P310/P761/P1060)

HRC Plot (HRC Shield Rate)

GOES-15 Plot (P1/P2/P5)

ACE Radiation Data

ACE Data Table.

ACE radiation data are plotted around periods when science runs were interrupted. Plots start exactly 2 days before the interruption started. The top panel shows differential fluxes of electrons 38-53 and 175-315 (particles/cm2-s-ster-MeV), the middle panel shows differential fluxes of protons 47-65, 112-187, and 310-580 (particles/cm2-s-ster-MeV).

Data Period  (dom): 252.3271 - 257.3271
Interruption (dom): 254.3271 - 256.9556

			Avg		 Max		Time	Min		Time		Value at Interruption Started
e38 		4.101e+05+/-4.508e+05	2.510e+06	255.254 	7.760e+03	253.653		2.190e+05
e175		2.174e+04+/-2.435e+04	8.620e+04	254.462 	5.740e+01	253.667		9.550e+03
p47 		4.578e+04+/-2.895e+04	3.340e+05	255.812 	7.590e+03	253.670		3.670e+04
p112		9.428e+03+/-7.032e+03	8.600e+04	255.812 	2.020e+03	253.667		7.170e+03
p310		2.061e+03+/-1.424e+03	1.050e+04	255.812 	4.050e+02	253.663		1.130e+03
p761		1.212e+03+/-1.037e+03	6.090e+03	255.254 	1.520e+02	253.667		5.060e+02
p1060		5.094e+02+/-4.965e+02	1.650e+03	254.573 	5.380e+01	253.677		1.940e+02

e38/e175	5.460e+01+/-5.373e+01	2.138e+02	253.538 	4.033e+00	253.677		2.293e+01
p47/p1060	1.485e+02+/-1.003e+02	9.656e+02	253.705 	3.447e+01	254.920		1.892e+02
p112/p1060	3.104e+01+/-1.528e+01	1.053e+02	255.812 	4.557e+00	254.715		3.696e+01
p310/p1060	5.946e+00+/-2.335e+00	1.285e+01	255.812 	1.553e+00	254.611		5.825e+00
p761/p1060	2.658e+00+/-4.604e-01	6.152e+00	255.254 	1.238e+00	254.333		2.608e+00

Steepest Rise
	Time		Slope(in log per hr)
e1  	255.2361		3011996.3629
e175	254.2431		79559.9039
p47 	255.7951		283559.6576
p112	255.7951		69359.9162
p310	255.7951		6983.9916
p761	255.2361		7307.9912
p1060	254.8681		1907.9977

Two vertical red lines indicate the start and the end of the interruption. Purple hatched areas indicate that the satellite is in the radiation belt. The horizontal dashed line indicates P3 trigger level. If P3 level is higher than this level more than 2 hours, SCS 107 may be manually triggered.

ace plot

HRC Data

HRC Data Table.

		Avg			Max		Time		Min		Time		Value at Interruption Started
hrc	1.110e+04 +/- 1.742e+04		6.528e+04	254.320		1.436e+02	255.747		2.749e+04

Two vertical red lines indicate the start and the end of the interruption. Purple hatched areas indicate that the satellite is in the radiation belt. The red horizontal dashedline indicates SCS 107 limits. If the HRC shield rate/256 goes above 248, automatic SCS 107 is triggered.

eph plot


The follwoing plots are copied from ACIS Threshold Corssings Page. For more details, please refer to Using ACIS to detect and report high radiation conditions

GOES-15 Data

GOES Data Table.

GOES-15 data are taken from NOAA site (

P1 .8 - 4.0 MeV protons (Counts/cm2 sec sr MeV) Uncorrected
P24.0 - 9.0 MeV protons (Counts/cm2 sec sr MeV) Uncorrected
P540.0 - 80.0MeV protons (Counts/cm2 sec sr MeV) Uncorrected

		_avg			_max		Time		_min		Time		Value at Interruption Started
p1		4.867e+03 +/- -9.990e+02		3.850e+04	253.934		8.010e+01	256.997		4.170e+02
p2		4.867e+03 +/- -9.990e+02		3.850e+04	253.934		8.010e+01	256.997		2.110e+02
p5		4.867e+03 +/- -9.990e+02		3.850e+04	253.934		8.010e+01	256.997		5.890e+00

Two vertical red lines indicate the start and the end of the interruption. Purple hatched areas indicate that the satellite is in the radiation belt. The red horizontal dashed lines indicate SCS 107 limits. If GOES P2 or P5 levels go above these levels, SCS 107 may be manually triggered.

GOES plot

XMM Data

XMM Data Table.

          Avg                    Max             Time        Min             Time        Value at Interruption Started
LE-0:  4.239e+03 +/- 2.351e+04	2.781e+05	    253.385		5.285e+00	    253.232	      7.827e+00
LE-1:  3.455e+03 +/- 2.067e+04	2.438e+05	    253.385		3.496e+00	    252.969	      4.553e+00
LE-2:  1.915e+02 +/- 5.544e+02	1.512e+04	    255.083		8.120e-01	    253.228	      2.080e+00
HES-0: 1.049e+04 +/- 5.129e+04	3.880e+05	    253.385		7.600e+00	    253.247	      1.043e+01
HES-1: 5.887e+03 +/- 3.167e+04	2.278e+05	    255.374		2.575e+00	    252.917	      3.141e+00
HES-2: 1.436e+03 +/- 7.625e+03	1.003e+05	    253.385		1.330e+00	    253.642	      3.855e+00
HES-C: 3.609e+03 +/- 2.338e+04	2.105e+05	    253.385		6.880e-01	    253.236	      1.439e+00

Two vertical red lines indicate the start and the end of the interruption. Red hatched areas indicate that the satellite is in the radiation belt.

XMM plot

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