Solar Panel Trending


This set of scripts extracts and creates trend plots for solar panel/spacecraft electric power and fine sensor temperature evolution along the time.

Location of Scripts and Their Names

Location: /data/mta/Script/Sol_panel/Scripts/

GitHub Address:

solor_wrap_script May 01, 2020
solor_main_script May 01, 2020 Feb 02, 2021 Mar 02, 2021 May 01, 2020
solar_angle_wrap_script Jun 05, 2013
solar_angle_main_script Jul 02, 2013
solar_angle_wrap_script_test Jun 05, 2013
solar_angle_main_script_test Jul 02, 2013
extract_data_from_dataseek.perl Jun 05, 2013
find_env_scelec.perl Jun 05, 2013
find_env_sensor.perl Jun 05, 2013
find_env_solar_pan.perl Jun 05, 2013
find_moving_avg.perl Aug 24, 2010
fit_sin_for_scelec.perl Jun 05, 2013
fit_sin_for_sol_pan.perl Jun 05, 2013
plot_elbi_sada.perl Jun 05, 2013
plot_scelec_env.perl Jun 05, 2013
plot_sensor_env.perl Jun 05, 2013
plot_solar_array_env.perl Jun 05, 2013
scelec_angle_comb.perl Jun 05, 2013
sensor_angle_comb.perl Jun 05, 2013
sep_col_scelec.perl Jun 05, 2013
sep_col_sensor.perl Jun 05, 2013
sep_col_solar_pan.perl Jun 05, 2013
sin_wave_scelec.perl Jun 05, 2013
sin_wave_sol_panel.perl Jun 05, 2013
solar_angle_master.perl Jun 05, 2013
solar_panel_angle_comb.perl Jun 05, 2013

Please read README file for more details. /data/mta/Script/Sol_panel/Scripts/README

Sep 17, 2014Initially logged
Jul 09, 2018A major update: converted into python
May 01, 2020Update from python2.7 to python3.6
Feb 02, 2021error check added
Mar 02, 2021error check added

Data Needed

Environment Setting

Output Locations and File Names

How to Run the Script(s)

  1. go to: cd /data/mta/Script/Sol_panel/Exc
  2. run: /data/mta/Script/Sol_panel/Scripts/solar_wrap_script

How to Run Test(s)

  1. test

Expected result from the test

if you do not get error messages, the test passed

Cron Job

CPU: c3po-v
User: mta

0 3 2 * * cd /data/mta/Script/Sol_panel/Exc; /data/mta/Script/Sol_panel/Scripts/solar_wrap_script >> $HOME/Logs/solar_angle.cron 2>&1

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Future Plan/Update Schedule


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