
Check whether acorn process is running and if it is not, start acorn for Snapshot, SOH, and/or PCAD. Acorn itself extracts needed data from the data sent through data ports. The extracted data are saved in tracelog (*.tl). Which data are extracted depends on the *-msids.list which lists categories and their chandra msids.

The data are updated only when Chandra is in comm pass (see Replan Central "Chandra Events" seciton to find when is the next comm pass.)

You can check whether the acorn processes are running by issuing the command:

This will generate something like:

mta 10044 0.0 0.1 118604 20296 ? S Oct04 1:30 /home/ascds/DS.release/bin/acorn -u 11120 -C /data/mta4/www/SOH/soh-msids.list -e 500 -nv
mta 14236 0.0 0.1 124892 22832 ? S Oct03 3:34 /home/ascds/DS.release/bin/acorn -u 11121 -C /data/mta4/www/SOH/PCAD/pcad-msids.list -e 500 -nv
mta 18006 0.0 0.2 115372 39736 ? S 10:04 0:01 /home/ascds/DS.release/bin/acorn -u 11112 -C /data/mta4/www/Snapshot/chandra-msids.list -e 500 -nv

Location of Scripts and Their Names

Location: /data/mta4/www/Snapshot/

GitHub Address:

Script Name Last Updated
/home/ascds/DS.release/bin/acorn Apr 21, 2015 Oct 28, 2016 Oct 28, 2016

There is a related description in: /data/mta4/www/Snapshot/README.

Sep 24, 2015Initially logged
Sep 30, 2015Description updated
Oct 07, 2015Contact changed from brad to isobe
Oct 28, 2016IPCL definition updated to:
 /data/mta4/www/Snapshot/P011 (primary), /data/mta4/www/Snapshot/P009 (secondary)
 /data/mta/www/MIRROR/Snap/Scripts/P011 (primary), /data/mta/www/MIRROR/Snap/Scripts/P009 (secondary)

Data Needed

Environment Setting

Output Locations and File Names

How to Run the Script(s)

  1. go to: /data/mta4/www/Snapshot (or another appropriate directory)
  2. run: (or for mirrored PCAD version)

How to Run Test(s)

  1. No test available for this set of script

Expected result from the test

test results -- test results -- test results

Cron Job

CPU: c3po-v
User: mta
CPU: boba-v
User: mta

Web Addreess

No web site for these processes.



Future Plan/Update Schedule

Add the test procedure.

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