Copy Files from /proj to /data/mta4/www/ Area


Copy files from /proj area to /data/mta4/www/ area.

Location of Scripts and Their Names

Location: /data/mta4/www/

GitHub Address: Not uploaded yet

Script Name Last Updated
copy_rac Oct 22, 2015

Sep 23, 2015Initially logged
Oct 22, 2015removed non active files.

Data Needed

Environment Setting

Output Locations and File Names

Note: The files under "NO MORE ACTIVE" are still there, but files at the original locations are not updated anymore, and the copying processes were terminated.

How to Run the Script(s)

  1. go to: /data/mta4/www/
  2. run: ./copy_rac

How to Run Test(s)

  1. No test is available for this task.

Expected result from the test

test results -- test results -- test results

Cron Job

CPU: r2d2-v
User: mta

08,18,28,38,47,58 * * * * cd /data/mta4/www/ ; ./copy_rac > /home/mta/Logs/copy_rac.cron

Web Addreess

No web page.



Future Plan/Update Schedule


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