Fid Light Drfit

As mentioned in Aldcroft's memo, fid lights drift with time. We plotted here 14 fid light trends.

Two top two figures show fid light positions on ACA for ACIS I configuration, and for ACIS S configuration. The CCD size is 1024 x 1024, and approximately 1 arcsec per pixel. We use ACENT I/ ACENT J (unit in pixel) coordinates. ACENT I is along with approximately -Y axis, and ACENT J is approximately Z axis. Similar plots are shown to both HRC-I and HRC-S.

If you click a blue dot on the ACA map, it brings up two plots: ACENT I and J drift trend plots. A blue vertical line indicates an approximate date of swapping IRU-1 to IRU-2 (DOM 1411 = Jun 1, 2003). Fitted lines are a simple linear fit, and the unit of the slope given at the right top corner is arcsec/yr.

If you open up a trending plot from "Plot" row below the ACA maps of ACIS, the page will show both ACIS-I and ACIS-S configuration plots for the selected Fid light. For HRC, either selections (from a blue dot or from the Plot row) bring up a same plot.


Please click a blue dot to open the Fid light trend plot

ACIS I Fid Light Positions on ACA ACIS S Fid Light Positions on ACA
circle circle circle circle circle circle fid acis i circle circle circle circle circle circle fid acis s
Plots Fid light 1 Fid light 2 Fid light 3 Fid light 4 Fid light 5 Fid light 6
Data I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4 I-5 I-6
Data S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6


Please click a blue dot to open the Fid light trend plot

HRC I Fid Light Positions on ACA
circle circle circle circle fid hrc i
Plots Fid light 7 Fid light 8 Fid light 9 Fid light 10
Data I-1 I-2 I-3 I-4


Please click a blue dot to open the Fid light trend plot

HRC S Fid Light Positions on ACA
circle circle circle circle fid hrc s
Plots Fid light 11 Fid light 12 Fid light 13 Fid light 14
Data S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4

Last Modified: Apr 19, 2017

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