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AXAF Science Center Status

Roger Brissenden presented the status and schedule for the ASC. Twelve new staff members have been added since last year. The system requirements review (SRR) was held in October 1993 and generated approximately 100 suggested changes to the documents; these have since been incorporated. The ASC is moving towards the preliminary design review (PDR) for the Data System design this September. The accomplishments of Science Support, Mission Planning, Data Systems, and User Support groups were reviewed. The SPIKE and ISO MPP mission planning software are running and being evaluated. Lynn Cominsky asked if the ASC had looked at OASIS mission planning software. This has not yet been done, but will be checked following the suggestion. The ASC focus for the next two years will be the Data System. Four software releases are planned during 1996-1997.

For more details see ASC Project Manager's Report .
