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XRCF Operations

TRW coordinates the overall XRCF tests. MSFC will run the XSS system, facility temperature and pressure, the motion detection system, and the Master Control Computer (MCC). SAO/MST will run the HXDS (BND-500 and BND-H for the phase two calibration) and the HRMA shutter assembly. The SI teams will run the SIs. The Eastman Kodak Company will control the HRMA temperature and position, the gratings, and the contamination covers. The Ball Aerospace Corporation will run the SIM and FAM.

Calibration scheduling is crucial for overall efficiency of the XRCF calibration. Currently Jon Arenberg and his team at TRW are using the XRCF test database to develop a scheduling algorithm. Their goals are to maximize the science return, minimize the overhead time, and be able to handle surprises during the XRCF calibration.

The XRCF tests will be 24 hour operation for 4 months. For each test, a TRW test conductor issues test instructions through the MCC, and the various subsystem teams receive `start test' instructions via the MCC. Subsystem teams include the SAO/MST, the SI teams, the HRMA mount team (EKC), the XRCF facilities team, and the Ball Aerospace Corporation (for FAM and SIM operation).

Once a subsystem has received a `start test' instruction, the team will execute a sequence of predetermined detailed test steps, according to pre- approved, controlled procedures. During testing, the subsystem teams are responsible for quicklook analysis of data to determine that nothing serious is wrong, and that the next test can proceed. The subsystem teams and the MCC are located on the second floor of the control building at the XRCF. There will be restricted access to the second floor during the tests.

The second-floor activity will occur in three eight hour shifts and will include hand-over meetings each day. The staffing and planning for the XRCF test activities is being coordinated through the Calibration Implementation Team (CIT) headed by Scott Texter (TRW) who will be the Test Conductor.

The third floor of the control building is reserved for the data analysis. The third-floor analysis teams include the the SAO/MST, MSFC Project Science, the SI teams, the Telescope Scientist, and the ASC. The results from the data analysis will feed back to the process of further calibration planning and scheduling.

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Wed Sep 13 12:40:01 EDT 1995