Chandra Observation of the Central Region of A1060
Noriko Yamasaki, Takaya Ohashi (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), Tae Furusho (NASA/GSFC)
We observed the central region of the cluster of galaxies, Abell 1060
(z=0.0114), with Chandra for about 30 ksec. The image reveals
a very flat core in the cluster center, accompanied by two giant
elliptical galaxies, NGC 3311 and NGC 3309. The energy spectra of the
emission from these ellipticals can both be described by a thermal
emission with a temperature of about 1 keV, and are clearly softer
than that of the surrounding ICM (keV). The X-ray sizes of the elliptical galaxies have a radius of
only about 5 kpc, which is significantly smaller than the optical
images. The compact ISM in X-rays suggests that the gas may be
stripped by the surrounding hot ICM and the remaining gas may be
pressure confined. We will discuss about the interaction process
between the ISM and ICM at the cluster center based on these data.