X-rays from the Local Bubble With Chandra: Observations of MBM 12
Richard J. Edgar, Randall Smith, Paul Plucinsky, Beth Biller (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory),
We present the results of a 100 ksec Chandra observation of MBM 12, a
nearby (
pc) molecular cloud. Snowden, McCammon & Verter
(1993) used deep ROSAT PSPC observations of this cloud to measure the
foreground 1/4 keV band emission from the Local Bubble. They also put
strong upper limits on the foreground 0.5-1.0 keV (M-band) emission.
Most, if not all, models for the Local Bubble predict that the
emission in this bandpass is primarily due to O VII and O VIII lines.
Chandra's ACIS detector has sufficient effective area to see this
emission and enough resolving power to separate these two lines.
These lines are diagnostics for the emission measure and age
(ionization state) of the Local Bubble. Many statistical and
systematic effects are considered, including: low energy ACIS
quantum efficiency and redistribution functions; charged particle
backgrounds; statistical biases.