The Vela Pulsar and its Synchrotron Nebula: Surprises from Chandra
G. G. Pavlov, D. Sanwal, O. K. Kargaltsev, G. P. Garmire (Penn State), V. E. Zavlin, V. Burwitz (MPE, Garching), R. N. Manchester (ATNF, CSIRO), R. G. Dodson (Univ. of Tasmania)
We report the results of the spectral and timing analysis of seven
observations of the Vela pulsar and its synchrotron nebula
with the Chandra X-ray Observatory.
The pulsar spectrum
in the observed
0.25-8 keV band
consists of two distinct continuum components. The softer
component can be modeled as either a magnetic hydrogen atmosphere
spectrum with
or a standard blackbody with
(the radii are for a distance of 250 pc).
The harder component, modeled as a
power-law spectrum, gives photon indices depending on the model adopted
for the soft component:
for the magnetic
atmosphere soft component, or
for the blackbody soft component.
Timing analysis shows three peaks in the pulse profile,
separated by about 0.3 in phase. Energy-resolved timing
provides evidence for pulse profile variation with energy.
The higher energy (E > 1.5 keV) profile shows higher pulsed
fraction and only two peaks. Identification of the peaks with
thermal and non-thermal components allows us to compare the
X-ray profiles with the hard X-ray and
-ray profiles and constrain
the mechanisms of the pulsar radiation and the geometry of the pulsar
magnetic field.
Thanks to its superb angular resolution, Chandra
reveals the complex morphology of
the Vela pulsar-wind nebula (PWN),
reminiscent of that of the Crab PWN.
It includes a 10''-long bright jet at a position angle of ,
and a fuzzy counter-jet at P.A.=
very close to the position angle of pulsar's proper motion.
The PWN is nearly symmetrical with respect to the jet direction
that can be associated with the orientation
the pulsar's spin axis. It has a bright
bow-shaped front edge (outer arc), presumably a brightened part
of a tilted ring of a 25'' radius.
The pulsar is enveloped by a smaller torus-like nebula of a 30'' maximum size,
with brightened front and back edges. We also see two ``knots'' close
to the termination point of the jet.
Spatially resolved spectroscopy shows that the power-law spectra
of the PWN elements (arcs, jets, knots) have different slopes, with
the photon index varying from 1.2 to 1.6. Measuring the photon indices
and fluxes from the PWN elements enables us to estimate the magnetic
fields inside the PWN, B=10-100
Comparison of different observations shows
temporal changes up to 30% in the surface brightness of the PWN features.
Some of the PWN elements show appreciable shifts, up to a few
arcseconds (
cm), and/or spectral changes.
We will discuss possible interpretations of the PWN morphology and