Chandra Spectra of the Cassiopeia A Point Source
Michael D. Stage (MIT Center for Space Research), Paul C. Joss (MIT)
[Contributed talk, 15min.]
We present the first Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating (HETG)
spectra of the X-ray point source (XPS) at the center of the
Cassiopeia A supernova remnant, using our recent HETGS observation of
Cas A (Obsid 1046), as well as spectra extracted from the long
duration archival 50 ksec ACIS-S3 observation (Obsid 114). Discovered
in the Chandra first light image, the flux and spectrum of XPS
strongly indicate that it is associated with the remnant, but it has
been difficult to classify the point source unambiguously. The
assertion that the XPS is a weakly magnetized neutron star (
G) radiating primarily via thermal emission is supported by
the recent discovery of weak X-ray pulsations with a 13 ms period
(H. Tananbaum, talk presented at 198th Mtg. AAS). Such a source is
an ideal candidate to fit with our new theoretical atmosphere models
(Joss, Madej, and Stage, these proceedings). Early data fit well to a
variety of spectral forms, including power laws, model neutron star
atmospheres, pure blackbody, and thermal bremsstrahlung (Chakrabarty
et al., ApJ 548: 800; Pavlov et al., ApJ 531: L53). With our longer
duration and higher resolution observations, we have greater ability
to discriminate among the possible spectral models. We have
previously carried out model atmosphere fits to a spectrum extracted
from the archival 50 ksec observation. Our results yielded effective
temperatures (
keV) and radii (
km) that are comparable to those obtained in earlier fits to
neutron-star model atmospheres (Chakrabarty et. al.). The lack of
detection of radio pulsations or of a synchrotron nebula from the
location of the XPS (McLaughlin et al., ApJ 547: L41) suggests that
the XPS is not a classical young pulsar, a result with which we agree.
The quality of our model atmosphere fits is superior to those we
obtained using simple power law or blackbody models. Furthermore,
recent upper limits on the emission from the XPS at near infrared and
optical wavelengths are inconsistent with single power law models
(Kaplan et al., astroph/0102054), and also favor the blackbody or
atmosphere model interpretation. Here we present the results of
fitting our hydrogen/helium and iron model atmospheres to the new high
resolution grating spectrum of the XPS, and interpret the inferred
temperatures and radii. We also discuss the effect on the XPS
spectrum of infall of nearby supernova ejecta onto the NS, and the
effects of variations in the density of the photo-electric absorption
column along the line of sight, including effects from the remnant
Portions of this work were supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under contract NAS8-38249.