Proton Cyclotron Feature in Thermal Spectra of Ultra-magnetized
Neutron Stars
R. Turolla (Dept. of Physics, University of Padova, Padova, Italy), S. Zane (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, UK), L. Stella (Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Roma, Italy), A. Treves (Dept. of Sciences, University of Insubria, Como, Italy)
Great interest has been recently raised in connection
with the possibility that soft -ray repeaters (SGRs) and
anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) contain magnetars,
young neutron stars endowed with magnetic fields
Current evidence in favor the magnetar interpretation relies mainly upon
measured spin-down rates, which imply magnetic fields
in the
G range and rotational energy
losses much smaller than the source luminosity.
Models involving accretion are not completely ruled out yet.
The X-ray spectra of AXPs and SGRs are characterized by
a power-law, high-energy component of probable magnetospheric
origin. In addition to this, thermal emission (plausibly originating
from the star surface) has been
detected in all AXPs but one, and in SGR 1900+14.
We have calculated thermal spectra from
ultra-magnetized neutron stars for values of the
luminosity and magnetic field believed to be relevant to
SGRs and AXPs. Emergent spectra, computed solving the full (angle and
energy dependent) transfer equations,
are found to be close to a blackbody at the star effective
temperature and exhibit a distinctive absorption feature at the proton
cyclotron energy
is the gravitational redshift
factor. The
proton cyclotron features (PCFs) are conspicuous (equivalent width of up to
many hundreds eV) and relatively broad (
The detection of the PCFs is well within the capabilities of present X-ray
spectrometers, like the HETGS and METGS on board Chandra. Their observation
would provide a direct measurement of
the surface magnetic field and a remarkable confirmation of the
magnetar model.