Joint XMM/Chandra Accepted Cycle 21 Targets and Abstracts

Proposal NumberSubject CategoryPI NameChandra TimeTitle
21100022SOLAR SYSTEM AND EXOPLANETSW. Dunn150.00ksIs X-ray Aurora Produced by Magnetic Unloading?
21700067ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSM. Nowak20.00ksEHT, XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, Chandra Study of the Black Hole MKN 501


Proposal Number: 21100022

Title: Is X-ray Aurora Produced by Magnetic Unloading?

PI Name: W. Dunn

In-situ measurements from the Juno spacecraft combined with remote X-ray observations have provided tantalising clues towards the processes that permit rapidly-rotating magnetised bodies to produce X-ray aurora. Juno does not carry an X-ray instrument so Chandra's spatial resolution is essential for identifying X-ray aurora morphology. We will test how magnetic unloading triggers Jupiter's Northern X-ray aurora by correlating X-ray auroral emissions with simultaneous Juno measurements of Jupiter's plasma sheet. This is the only opportunity to conduct these observations in the remaining lifecycle of Juno (after September Juno's orbit will to be too inclined). Our proposal utilises a unique interval of remote and in-situ measurements to provide irreplacable timely, high-impact legacy studies


Proposal Number: 2170067

Title: EHT, XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, Chandra Study of the Black Hole MKN 501

PI Name: M. Nowak

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is effectively an Earth-sized, interferometric mm-band telescope array with 20 microarcsec spatial that is conducting ground-breaking observations of distant supermassive black hole (SMBH) systems resolution. These emission size scales are consistent with those inferred from X-ray and gamma-ray variability, thus our request for joint XMM-Newton/NuSTAR /Chandra/EHT observations of a particularly interesting SMBH, MKN 501. MKN 501 belongs to a subclass of systems that may consist of a close pair of binary black holes. Along with contemporaneous EHT observations approved for Spring 2019, joint XMM-Newton/NuSTAR study of MKN 501 will provide combined broad-band X-ray spectra and variability, while Chandra can provide arcsecond imaging.