<acis-acorn-check.pl> CODE documentation
CODE storage:
- Configuration control location:
- /data/acis0/LoadReviews/cvs-repository/aciseng-primary/
- /data/acis0/LoadReviews/cvs-repository/aciseng-back-up/
- Execution location:
- /export/acis-flight/primary/acis/bin/acis-acorn-check.pl (PRIMARY)
- /home/acisdude/real-time/back-up/acis/bin/acis-acorn-check.pl
- Execution Machine:
- rhodes (PRIMARY)
- xcanuck (BACK-UP)
Code Description:
A simple perl script that ensures that ACORN is active on the
CPU. If not, a new one is launched and email is sent to
'acisdude'. ACORN produces the tracelog files that are the
input to acis-read.pl. Two versions are run: one for the
primary real-time hardware telemetry web page (stored in
/export/acis-flight/primary/acis/ on rhodes) and another one
for the back-up real-time hardware telemetry web page (stored
in /home/acisdude/real-time/back-up/acis/). This script is run
via CRON at 5-minute intervals by user
'acisdude'. acis-tl-cleanup.pl is a separate and independent
perl script that deletes obsolete trace log files. It is also
run via CRON.
Shanil Virani
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Last modified: Wed Jan 14 10:17:37 EST 2004