<acis-acorn-check.pl> script documentation
- Introduction:
The purpose of this script is to ensure that the ACORN process is
running on the CPU. If one is not found, a new one is launched. ACORN
is a C++ program written by Peter Allen (CXC programmer; UD folder) that monitors the real-time telemetry given a UDP port
and a list of mnemonics (or MSIDs) to listen for. In the Chandra
telemetry, the
list of the ACIS mnemonics for which data are to be written out to log files by the ACORN
process are listed in a text file, acis-acorn-msid-script which is an input to
running ACORN. What are output by the ACORN process are "tracelog files" that contain the values
for each MSID monitored in the Chandra telemetry. Currently, the list
of ACIS msids stored in acis-acorn-msid-script are output to 17
tracelog files, which are then fed to acis-read.pl. Getting back to this
script, it also reads in a file containing a list of all ACORN pids,
acisdude-acis.pid, and gets the pid for the
last known ACORN process. It then searches the CPU for this pid. If it
does not find it, it launches a new one, appends the new PID to the
PID logfile, and sends email to 'acisdude' informing the CXC ACIS Ops
group that the ACORN process could not be found and a new one is
relaunched. This script is run via CRON every 5 minutes by
'acisdude'. Under nominal operations, there are three versions
running. The "primary" version that is run out of
/export/acis-flight/primary/acis/bin/ on rhodes (via UDP port #1135), and the
back-up versions that are run out of /home/acisdude/real-time/back-up/acis/bin (via
UDP port #11112 on xcanuck and UDP port #11350 on colossus). The maximum size of the tracelogs is a user-specified varible
(via the "-e" switch). Once a tracelog exceeds this size, a new
tracelog file is automatically started. acis-tl-cleanup.pl is a separate
perl script that deletes obsolete tracelog files and is run
independently from acis-acorn-check.pl via CRON.
- Execution dependencies:
Requires the process to be run on the machine `rhodes' (OPS LAN -- "primary" version),
'xcanuck' (HEAD LAN -- "back-up 1" process) 'coloss' (OPS LAN --
"back-up 2" process) by user 'acisdude' and is run every 5 minutes via the CRON daemon.
- Script dependencies:
Requires access to the ACORN PID file
(/var/tmp/acisdude-acis.pid) and the ACORN executable and
supporting libraries (see /export/acis-flight/primary/acorn-1.33/acorn/) on rhodes
- Scripts used by acis-acorn-check.pl
- Scripts that depend on the outputs
- acis-read.pl
- File dependencies:
- Input files:
- acis-acorn-msid-script (input to ACORN)
- acisdude-acis.pid
- Output files:
- 17 tracelog files (by the ACORN executable; see acis-read.pl for the full list of 17 input tracelog files.)
- Code Location and execution
- Problems and Issues
- Notes
Go up one level
Last modified: Wed Jan 14 10:17:37 EST 2004