pblockreader.pl CODE documentation
CODE storage:
- Configuration control location:
- /data/acis0/LoadReviews/cvs-repository/acis-backstop/
- Execution location:
- /data/acis0/LoadReviews/pblockreader.pl
- Execution Machine:
- Any HEAD LAN machine
Code Description:
This script takes the parameter block command and will pass this
through ratdat and that output through lcmd and egrep on the items
that can be compared to the OCAT. There are different items that
are collected depending on whether this is a TE or CC mode
parameter block.
The script will also take window commands and again, report throught
ratdat,lcmd and egrep. It will report different items depending
on whether this is a 1 or 2 dimensional window block.
The output file can be specified as the second argument OR the code
will autoname the file as /pool1/<parameter block>.pblock.
Shanil Virani
return to last page
Last modified: Thu Apr 22 14:23:20 EDT 2004