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Chandra Calibration Review Presentations Tagged with "Kashyap"

Reference Presenter Title
2009.11JeremyDrakeA Monte Carlo Method for Including Chandra Instrument Response Uncertainties in Parameter Estimation Studies
2009.14VinayKashyapThe Imaging and Spectral Performance of the HRC
2009.10HyunsookLeeCombining Statistical and Systematic Uncertainties for High Counts Spectra
2009.16JenniferPosson-BrownSUMAMPS-based gain maps and RMF for the HRC-I
2007.1JeremyDrakeMonte Carlo methods for including correlated systematic calibration uncertainties in astrophysical analysis: Chandra ACIS
2007.2VinayKashyapIncorporating Effective Area Uncertainties into Spectral Fitting
2007.3JenniferPosson-BrownHRC-I Gain Correction
2007.9JenniferPosson-BrownVerifying the HRC-I QE and QEU
2005.33AlannaConnorsRapporteurial Summary
2005.9JeremyDrakeThe Status of the Low Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer Calibration
2005.25JeremyDrakeIncluding Calibration Uncertainties in X-ray Model Parameter Estimation Analyses
2005.12VinayKashyapSpectral Response of the HRC-I
2005.10VinayKashyapHRC-S/LETG: Degap and Wavelength Corrections
2005.37JenniferPosson-BrownMonitoring the Optical/UV Transmission of the HRC with Betelgeuse
2005.38CharlesWiltonThe HRC-I Gain Map
2004.27Sun MiChungCharacterizing Non-linearities in the Chandra LETG+HRC-S Dispersion Relation
2004.22VinayKashyapChandra and Newton: Common Low-Energy Grating Observations
2004.28VinayKashyapChandra HRC-S Degapping Corrections from Flight and Lab Data
2004.2DeronPeaseImprovements to the HRC-S QE uniformity and LETGS effective area
2003.25JeremyDrakeThe Dispersion Relation of the LETGS and the Accuracy of Chandra Velocity Studies
2003.24VinayKashyapDegap Corrections for HRC-S Grating Observations
2002.9VinayKashyapImaging Characteristics Affecting the LETGS

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