
12. Advanced wavdetect : Using wtransform & wrecon

12.1 General Discussion

wavdetect has two parts, each of which can be run as a standalone tool:

  1. wtransform performs the convolutions between the data and the various scaled wavelet functions;
  2. wrecon uses the wtransform output products to construct source lists, measure parameters for each detection, and create various maps.

There are a few advantages to running the tools separately.

12.2 Running wtransform

This example illustrates running wavdetect using a Chandra HRC-I dataset of 3C 273 as input; see Chapter [*], Section [*] for further information about this dataset.

Herein we run wtransform with 5 scales, using autonaming for most of the output files. We then make two runs with wrecon to demonstrate how the output source properties change.

12.2.1 wtransform Input

The input parameters are set as follows:

unix% punlearn wtransform
unix% pset wtransform infile = \
unix% pset wtransform srclist = "."
unix% pset wtransform correl = "."
unix% pset wtransform nbkg = "."
unix% pset wtransform log = yes
unix% pset wtransform verbose = 2
unix% pset wtransform thresh = "."
unix% pset wtransform xscales = "1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 16.0"
unix% pset wtransform yscales = "1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 16.0"
unix% pset wtransform clobber = yes

A dot (``.'') indicates that autonaming will be used, as explained in Section [*].

The wtransform tool is then run:

unix% wtransform
input file (data/hrcf00461N003_evt2.fits[EVENTS][sky=circle(16400,16400,1000)]): 
Source list output stack (.): 
Correlation image output stack (.): 
Normalized background image output stack (.): 
Warning: Keyword TLMVER is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword HDUSPEC is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword HDUDOC is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword HDUVERS is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword BTIMNULL is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword BTIMRATE is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword BTIMDRFT is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword BTIMCORR is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword FLSHTIME is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword OBI_NUM is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword READMODE is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword RA_PNT is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword DEC_PNT is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword ROLL_PNT is not in the header.

12.2.2 wtransform Output

A number of output files are created:

unix% ls -1

As can be seen, for each scale size there are a number of output files:

The four output ``stack" files (ASCII lists of the relevent files) have adopted a filename which includes the DM filter (e.g. hrcf00461N003_correl_stk.fits[EVENTS][sky=circle(16400,16400,1000)]). This is caused by the use of autonaming and is generally undesirable. It can be avoided by not using autonaming, or rename the files after the fact:

unix% mv 'hrcf00461N003_correl_stk.fits[EVENTS][sky=circle(16400,16400,1000)]' \
unix% mv 'hrcf00461N003_nbkg_stk.fits[EVENTS][sky=circle(16400,16400,1000)]' \
unix% mv 'hrcf00461N003_src_stk.fits[EVENTS][sky=circle(16400,16400,1000)]' \
unix% mv 'hrcf00461N003_thresh_stk.fits[EVENTS][sky=circle(16400,16400,1000)]' \

unix% more hrcf00461N003_correl_stk.fits

Figure: A correlation map produced by wtransform for scale = 4 pixels. The 3C 273 jet stands out. Red areas are positive (or just slightly negative), while the other colors correspond to significantly negative values. The map peaks around 200,000 and has negative regions as low as -25,000.

12.3 Running wrecon

12.3.1 wrecon Input

wrecon is set up to use some of the wtransform output files:

unix% punlearn wrecon
unix% pset wrecon infile = \
unix% pset wrecon sourcefile = src1.fits
unix% pset wrecon scellfile = scell1.fits
unix% pset wrecon imagefile = image1.fits
unix% pset wrecon regfile = flux1.reg
unix% pset wrecon clobber = yes
unix% pset wrecon srclist = hrcf00461N003_src_stk.fits
unix% pset wrecon correl = hrcf00461N003_correl_stk.fits
unix% pset wrecon nbkg = hrcf00461N003_nbkg_stk.fits
unix% pset wrecon defnbkgfile = defnbkgfile1.fits
unix% pset wrecon fluxfile = flux1.stk
unix% pset wrecon xscales = "1.0 2 4 8 16"
unix% pset wrecon yscales = "1.0 2 4 8 16"
unix% pset wrecon fluxscales = 1
unix% pset wrecon log = yes
unix% pset wrecon verbose = 2

The wrecon tool is then run:

unix% wrecon
Input file name (data/hrcf00461N003_evt2.fits[EVENTS][sky=circle(16400,16400,1000)]): 
Output source list file name (src1.fits): 
Warning: Keyword TLMVER is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword HDUSPEC is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword HDUDOC is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword HDUVERS is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword BTIMNULL is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword BTIMRATE is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword BTIMDRFT is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword BTIMCORR is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword FLSHTIME is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword OBI_NUM is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword READMODE is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword RA_PNT is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword DEC_PNT is not in the header.
Warning: Keyword ROLL_PNT is not in the header.
Output source cell image file name (scell1.fits): 
Output image file name (image1.fits): 

Next, we repeat the wrecon run, changing only the output file names and the fluxscale parameter (from 1 to "3 4"). The logfile from the first run (wrecon.log) is also renamed so that it does not get overwritten.

unix% mv wrecon.log wrecon1.log
unix% pset wrecon sourcefile = src2.fits
unix% pset wrecon scellfile = scell2.fits
unix% pset wrecon imagefile = image2.fits
unix% pset wrecon regfile = flux2.reg
unix% pset wrecon defnbkgfile = "defnbkgfile2.fits"
unix% pset wrecon fluxfile = flux2.stk
unix% pset wrecon fluxscales = "3 4"
unix% wrecon
unix% mv wrecon.log wrecon2.log

12.3.2 wrecon Output

The first run of wrecon produced:


and the second run produced:


Descriptions of the output files of wrecon are given in the wavdetect discussions (Chapters [*] and [*]).

12.3.3 Comparing Two Runs of wrecon

Both runs made the same detections since they were based on the results from the same run of wtransform . However, the source properties, including location and counts, depend on the size and location of the source cell, so the actual values between the two wrecon runs differ somewhat. We have selected a few columns of interest from the output source lists, and show them here to demonstrate the sort of differences that occur:

  1. Source Properties from fluxscale = 1
    unix% dmlist "src1.fits[cols POS,NPIXSOU,NET_COUNTS,SRC_SIGNIFICANCE,R]" opt=data
    Data for Table Block SRCLIST
    ROW  POS(X,Y)           NPIXSOU  NET_COUNTS  SRC_SIGNIFICANCE  R[2]                    
    1   (16478.13,16291.77) 806      213089.18   2627.78           [10.09 9.60]
    2   (16544.38,16219.29) 170         395.94     72.64           [ 8.87 8.08]
    3   (16556.39,16206.0)   67         146.50     39.68           [ 7.34 5.01]
    4   (15914.40,16323.60)  16           4.93      2.59           [ 3.10 1.37]
    5   (16565.68,16196.76)  37          35.42     12.54           [ 5.04 3.76]
    6   (16580.92,16177.14)  33          26.67     10.92           [ 5.38 2.95]
    7   (16417.0 ,16691.0)    5           0.97      0.51           [ 0    0]

  2. Source Properties from fluxscale = "3 4"
    unix% dmlist "src2.fits[cols POS,NPIXSOU,NET_COUNTS,SRC_SIGNIFICANCE,R]" opt=data
    Data for Table Block SRCLIST
    ROW  POS(X,Y)           NPIXSOU  NET_COUNTS  SRC_SIGNIFICANCE  R[2]                    
    1   (16478.13,16291.76) 1244     213218.03   2405.44           [10.51 10.03]
    2   (16544.58,16219.00)  497        498.73     60.22           [12.05 11.10]
    3   (16554.74,16206.77)  385        352.63     50.30           [12.63 10.06]
    4   (15913.19,16323.80)  342         19.85      8.36           [10.05  8.08]
    5   (16567.28,16194.35)  385        150.90     25.21           [14.30 12.05]
    6   (16580.52,16178.00)  410        100.61     20.05           [12.16 11.50]
    7   (16417.40,16690.40)  103          4.40      2.03           [ 6.31  4.29]

The regions are shown in Figure [*].

Figure: The region files produced by two runs of wrecon . For the bright core of 3C 273, the regions are essentially the same size, but they differ for the jet detections. The smaller regions (cyan/blue) are for fluxscales = 1, and the larger regions (magenta) are for fluxscales = "3 4".

The cell maps are shown in Figures [*] and [*]. Note how the cell sizes are larger for the jet detections when using larger flux scales.

Figure: The source cells for 3C 273 with fluxscales = 1. The map values denote the detection number.

Figure: The source cells for 3C 273 with fluxscales = "3 4". Compare the cell sizes to those in Figure [*].