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Last modified: 8 April 2015

Which SED file formats are supported by Iris?

Iris supports VOTable and FITS format SED input files which conform to the IVOA Spectral Data Model standard. If you have a SED file in an unsupported format which you would like to import into Iris - e.g., CSV or ASCII - you may do so by first converting the file to a supported format via the SED Builder interface in Iris. The SED Builder accepts as 'non-standard' any binary or text-based file that does not conform to the IVOA SED, Spectrum and Photometry Data Model; these include FITS and VOTable files which do not conform to the IVOA standards. To learn more about the SED Builder and how to use it to convert your SED data, refer to the Building and Managing SEDs section of the Iris How-to Guide.

Last modified: 8 April 2015
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