Skare 0.12

Package updates

  • Matplotlib 1.1.0
  • SciPy 0.10
  • IPython 0.12
  • sip
  • tornado
  • zeromq
  • pyzmq


I would recommend using Qt4Agg as the default plotting backend. Features an interactive plot editor for changing attributes of plot elements like lines and axes. To do this edit the file below and change the “backend” setting as shown:


# the default backend; one of GTK GTKAgg GTKCairo FltkAgg QtAgg TkAgg
#     Agg Cairo GD GDK Paint PS PDF SVG Template
backend      : Qt4Agg

IPython 0.12

This update includes new features from IPython 0.11 and 0.12. This represents a major overhaul in this tool:

In particular the new Qt Console provides a much richer interactive analysis environment with inline figures, multiline editing, graphical call tips, and so on:

Setting up to use version 0.12

At the very least you need to do the following:

% ska
% mv ~/.ipython ~/.ipython-0.10
% ipython profile create

If you had previously done any customizations to your IPython configuration that you want to convert to IPython 0.12 then contact me. Otherwise I would suggest the following:

% cd ~/.config/ipython/profile_default
% cp{,.bak}
% cp ~aldcroft/.config/ipython/profile_default/ ./
% cd startup
% cp ~aldcroft/.config/ipython/profile_default/*.py ./

After doing this, you will automatically have “import numpy as np” executed upon starting IPython. In addition a new “magic” command will be defined so that when you type “impska” at the prompt, the following commands will be run:

import asciitable
import Ska.engarchive.fetch_eng as fetch
from Chandra.Time import DateTime
from Ska.Matplotlib import plot_cxctime, cxctime2plotdate

Table Of Contents

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Ska Runtime Environment 0.11

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Ska Runtime Environment 0.13

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