Ska Runtime Environment 0.13

Content changes overview

  • NumPy 1.5.0 to 1.6.2
  • Xija 0.2 to 0.2.2: provides ACIS FP model
  • Ska.engarchive 0.19 to 0.19.1:
    • Add MSID.interpolate() method which is like MSIDset.interpolate()
    • Speed up interpolate() methods using the new Ska.Numpy.interpolate.
    • Add MSIDset.filter_bad_times() method that applies the bad times filter to all MSIDs in a set.
    • Speed up filter_bad_times() by using a single mask array over all bad time filters.
    • Add some unit / regression tests.
  • Ska.Numpy 0.06 to 0.08: speed and lower memory usage with Cython:
    • New function search_both_sorted() that is like np.searchsorted() but up to 15 times faster for both input arrays already sorted.
    • Updated function interpolate() that is up to 8 times faster for both input X arrays already sorted.
  • PyFITS 2.4.0 to 3.0.7
  • IPython 0.12 to 0.12.1: bug fix release
  • PyTables 2.2b1 to 2.3.1: efficient table indexing
  • Add new module numexpr 2.0.1: allows compiling NumPy expressions down to multi-threaded C for very fast execution.
  • Other upgrades: argparse, distribute, docutils, Jinja2, mpi4py, pep8, pytest, Pygments, Ska.Table, Sphinx, and virtualenv.
  • 32-bit version of NumPy and SciPy built from source (as for 64-bit)
  • Minor improvements in build process
  • Update to set LD_RUN_PATH globally to reduce (eliminate?) need for LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Python. Rebuild mpi4py, matplotlib, numpy, scipy, ipython, tables.


Notes and testing were reviewed by Jean Connelly. Command states and module testing were run independently by Jean.



Install (or git pull) skare on 32-bit or 64-bit virtual CentOS-5 machine.

# Get skare repository on virtual CentOS-5 machine
cd ~/git/skare
git checkout master
git pull origin master

# Choose prefix (dev or flight) and configure
./configure --prefix=$prefix

# Make 64 or 32-bit installation
make all_64
make all_32  # on quango

Pre-install testing in development area


cd ~/git/starcheck
git checkout master
git pull origin master
(unska; /proj/sot/ska/bin/starcheck -dir AUG0104A -fid_char fid_CHARACTERIS_JUL01 -out test-flight)
make test
diff test-flight.txt test.txt

==> OK


cd ~/git/eng_archive

Follow the steps for “Regression test for new skare (..) in $ska/dev” in NOTES.test.

==> OK

Commanded states

cd ~/git/Chandra.cmd_states
python install
cd ~/git/cmd_states
make install
cd ~/git/timelines
make install


==> OK


cd ~/hg/psmc
export ENG_ARCHIVE=/proj/sot/ska/data/eng_archive
make install
python ./ --run_start_time='2011:001' --outdir regress_skatest

python ./ --run_start_time='2011:001' --outdir regress_ska

diff regress_ska{,test}/validation_quant.csv

==> OK

Other modules

Ska.Table - OK:

cd ~/git/Ska.Table

Ska.DBI - OK:

su -l aca
ln -s $ska/data/aspect_authorization $ska/test/data/
cd ~/hg/Ska.DBI
hg pull
source /proj/sot/ska/test/bin/ska_envs.csh

Quaternion - OK:

cd ~/hg/Quaternion nosetests

Ska.ftp - OK:

cd ~/git/Ska.ftp nosetests

Ska.Numpy - OK:

cd ~/git/Ska.Numpy

Ska.ParseCM - OK:

cd ~/hg/Ska.ParseCM

Ska.quatutil - OK:

cd ~/hg/Ska.quatutil

Ska.Shell - OK:

cd ~/hg/Ska.Shell

asciitable - OK:

cd ~/git/asciitable
git checkout 0.8.0
py.test asciitable/tests

Installation on GRETA network (flight)

Ensure that the HEAD flight distribution has been installed and tested.

On ccosmos:

version=`ska_version`  # 0.13-r241-427bb9c
cd /proj/sot/ska/dist
mkdir skare-${version}
cd skare-${version}
cp -rp ../arch/x86_64-linux_CentOS-5 ../arch/i686-linux_CentOS-5 ./

On chimchim as SOT:

set version=0.13-r241-427bb9c
rysnc -azv aldcroft@ccosmos:/proj/sot/ska/dist/skare-${version} /proj/sot/ska/tmp/

On chimchim as FOT CM:

cd /proj/sot/ska/arch
set version=0.13-r241-427bb9c
cp -rp /proj/sot/ska/tmp/skare-0.13-r241-427bb9c ./
rm i686-linux_CentOS-5
rm x86_64-linux_CentOS-5
ln -s skare-0.13-r241-427bb9c/i686-linux_CentOS-5 ./
ln -s skare-0.13-r241-427bb9c/x86_64-linux_CentOS-5 ./

Smoke test on chimchim:

source /proj/sot/ska/arch/x86_64-linux_CentOS-5/bin/ska_envs.csh
ipython --pylab
import Ska.engarchive.fetch as fetch
dat = fetch.Msid('tephin', '2012:001', stat='5min')

Smoke test on snowman:

source /proj/sot/ska/arch/i686-linux_CentOS-5/bin/ska_envs.csh
ipython --pylab
import Ska.engarchive.fetch as fetch
dat = fetch.Msid('tephin', '2012:001', stat='5min')

One-time cleanup for a change in directory structure convention. (Note that the “r100” and “r200” are fictitious, the code that generated these SVN-like revision numbers didn’t exist for these earlier versions):

cd /proj/sot/ska/arch

mkdir skare-0.11-r100-c0195da
mv x86_64-linux_CentOS-5-0.11  skare-0.11-r100-c0195da/x86_64-linux_CentOS-5
mv i686-linux_CentOS-5-0.11  skare-0.11-r100-c0195da/i686-linux_CentOS-5

mkdir skare-0.12-r200-0512af5
mv x86_64-linux_CentOS-5-0.12  skare-0.12-r200-0512af5/x86_64-linux_CentOS-5
mv i686-linux_CentOS-5-0.12  skare-0.12-r200-0512af5/i686-linux_CentOS-5


cd /proj/sot/ska/arch
rm i686-linux_CentOS-5
rm x86_64-linux_CentOS-5
ln -s skare-0.12-r200-0512af5/i686-linux_CentOS-5 ./
ln -s skare-0.12-r200-0512af5/x86_64-linux_CentOS-5 ./

Install eng_archive 0.19.1 executable scripts on chimchim as SOT:

cd ~/git/eng_archive
git pull origin master
git checkout 0.19.1
make install

Test on GRETA network (flight)

Test xija as SOT:

cd ~/git/xija
py.test xija/tests/

Test eng_archive:

cd ~/git/eng_archive
py.test tests/

Installation on GRETA network (test)

On ccosmos:

# Create tarfile output for distribution to GRETA (after local testing)
cd ~/git/skare
cd /proj/sot/ska/test
tar zcf skare-${version}-test.tar.gz bin lib
tar zcf skare-${version}-test-build.tar.gz build/*/*/.installed
tar zcf skare-${version}-test-32.tar.gz arch/i686-linux_CentOS-5
tar zcf skare-${version}-test-64.tar.gz arch/x86_64-linux_CentOS-5
mv skare-${version}*.tar.gz /proj/sot/ska/dist/

On chimchim:

set version=0.13-r241-427bb9c
cd /proj/sot/ska/tmp
scp -p aldcroft@ccosmos:/proj/sot/ska/dist/skare-${version}-test* ./
# then install

Installation on HEAD network (flight)

Copy the skare tar distribution binary to /proj/sot/ska/dist.

# Do everything as aca
su -l aca

# Make copy of current arch dirs
cd /proj/sot/ska/arch
set version=`ska_version`
mkdir -p skare-${version}
cp -rp x86_64-linux_CentOS-5 skare-${version}/
# Normally do this for i686, but it doesn't exist yet for skare-0.12
cp -rp i686-linux_CentOS-5 skare-${version}/

# For skare-0.13 ONLY:
# Force re-build of these packages in order to set internal RPATH (see
# email from Mark search "mbaski rpath")
cd /proj/sot/ska/build/x86_64-linux_CentOS-5
rm mpi4py-1.*/.installed numpy-1.*/.installed scipy-0.*/.installed
rm matplotlib-1.1.0/.installed ipython-0.1*/.installed tables-2.*/.installed

# Prepare for in-place installation
cd ~/git/skare
git pull
git log

# Stop all cron jobs
touch /proj/sot/ska/data/task_schedule/master_heart_attack
# Wait at least a minute

# Build updated skare 0.13 on ccosmos
./configure --prefix=/proj/sot/ska
make all_64

# For skare-0.13 ONLY:
# Need to install an update to the eng_archive "" script
# in $ska/share/eng_archive.
cd ~/git/eng_archive
make install

# Build 32-bit version on quango
ssh aca@quango
cd ~/git/skare
make all_32

# TEST per instructions below

# Allow all cron jobs to resume
rm /proj/sot/ska/data/task_schedule/master_heart_attack

Post-install testing on HEAD


cd ~/git/starcheck
/proj/sot/ska/bin/starcheck -dir AUG0104A -fid_char fid_CHARACTERIS_JUL01 -out
diff test.7cb31b.txt

==> OK


cd ~/git/eng_archive

Follow the steps for “Regression test for new skare in /proj/sot/ska” in NOTES.test.

==> OK

Commanded states

cd ~/git/timelines

==> OK

Other modules

  • Ska.Table: OK
  • Ska.DBI: OK
  • Quaternion (nose): OK
  • Ska.ftp (nose): OK
  • Ska.Numpy: OK
  • Ska.ParseCM: OK
  • Ska.quatutil: OK
  • Ska.Shell: OK
  • asciitable: OK


REMEMBER to “make install” eng archive!