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Static Version: Mean --- Last One Years

One Week Three Month One Year Five Year Full Range Min Mean Max

Delta/Yr below is a slope of the liear fitting over the data of the period. Delta/Yr/Yr is a slope of the liner fitting over the devivative data of the period. Slope listed on a linked plot is the slope computed on the last few periods of the data to show the direction of the trend, and different from that of Delta/Yr.

MSID MeanRMSDelta/YrDelta/Yr/YrUnitDescriptionLimit Violation
3btu_bpt 0.0032.100e-04(2.68+/-0.05)e2-0.01 +/- 0.07KBTU BASEPLATE (+X)), ABORT HTR TSC2No Violation Check
3fabraat 3.390e-047.132e-05(2.72+/-0.02)e2-0.01 +/- 0.02KFA STRUCTURE AT BEARING A ABORT HTR. FA6 TEMPNo Violation Check
3fabrcat 3.323e-041.391e-04(2.82+/-0.04)e2-0.01 +/- 0.04KFA STRUCTURE AT BEARING C ABORT HTR. FA6 TEMPNo Violation Check
3faflaat -5.135e-047.349e-05(2.83+/-0.02)e20.02 +/- 0.02KFlexure A temperatureNo Violation Check
3faflbat -3.449e-057.389e-05(2.78+/-0.02)e20.01 +/- 0.02KFlexure B temperatureNo Violation Check
3faflcat 4.203e-042.043e-04(2.92+/-0.05)e2-0.01 +/- 0.05KFlexure C temperatureNo Violation Check
3famyzat 0.0011.548e-04(2.94+/-0.04)e2-0.02 +/- 0.04KFA STRUCTURE +X FACE AT -Y-Z END ABORT HTR. FA6 TEMPNo Violation Check
3fapsat 1.670e-043.672e-05(3.18+/-0.01)e2-0.00 +/- 0.01KSEA power supply temperature (3FAPSAT)No Violation Check
3fapyzat 1.004e-046.393e-05(2.94+/-0.02)e2-0.01 +/- 0.02KFA STRUCTURE +X FACE AT +Y+Z END ABORT HTR. FA6 TEMPNo Violation Check
3faralat 0.0022.258e-04(2.86+/-0.06)e2-0.01 +/- 0.06KFA STRUCTURE AT RAIL -Z, ABORT HEATER FA6 TEMPNo Violation Check
3faseaat 1.226e-054.365e-05(2.92+/-0.01)e2-0.00 +/- 0.01KSEA box temperatureNo Violation Check
3flcabpt -4.112e-041.609e-04(2.84+/-0.04)e2-0.01 +/- 0.05KFLCA BASEPLATE (+X)No Violation Check
3rctubpt 0.0032.419e-04(2.77+/-0.06)e2-0.05 +/- 0.08KRCTU BASEPLATE (+X)No Violation Check
3sflxast -1.614e-074.170e-07(2.09+/-0.00)e2-(1.25+/-0.02)e-10KFlexure A temperature setpointNo Violation Check
3sflxbst -1.565e-074.189e-07(2.09+/-0.00)e2-(1.25+/-0.02)e-10KFlexure B temperature setpointNo Violation Check
3sflxcst -1.614e-074.170e-07(2.09+/-0.00)e2-(1.25+/-0.02)e-10KFlexure C temperature setpointNo Violation Check
3tsmxcet -0.0020.002(2.43+/-0.42)e2-0.14 +/- 0.23K-X TURTLE SHELL NR HRC CEANo Violation Check
3tsmxspt -0.0190.007(4.46+/-1.91)e2-0.91 +/- 1.19K-X TURTLE SHELL NR ACIS SSNo Violation Check
3tsmydpt -4.031e-045.958e-04(2.36+/-0.15)e20.01 +/- 0.10K-Y TURTLE SHELL NR ACIS DPANo Violation Check
3tspyfet -7.956e-052.903e-04(2.28+/-0.08)e20.03 +/- 0.07K+Y TURTLE SHELL NR HRC FEANo Violation Check
3tspzdet -0.0033.382e-04(2.72+/-0.09)e2(1.06+/-1052.00)e-4K+Z TURTLE SHELL NR ACIS DEANo Violation Check
3tspzspt -0.0023.223e-04(2.77+/-0.08)e20.06 +/- 0.09K+Z TURTLE SHELL NR ACIS SSNo Violation Check
3ttacs1t 5.430e-041.090e-04(2.69+/-0.03)e2-0.00 +/- 0.04KTT at ACIS Attach #1 Abort HtrNo Violation Check
3ttacs2t 7.092e-051.613e-04(2.69+/-0.04)e2-0.05 +/- 0.06KTT at ACIS Attach #2 Abort HtrNo Violation Check
3ttacs3t 2.536e-041.196e-04(2.65+/-0.03)e20.02 +/- 0.04KTT at ACIS Attach #3 Abort HtrNo Violation Check
3ttbrgbt 0.0032.725e-04(2.63+/-0.07)e2-0.03 +/- 0.08KTT at Bearing B, Abort Htr TSC4No Violation Check
3tthrc1t 0.0033.055e-04(2.71+/-0.08)e20.02 +/- 0.09KTT at HRC Bipod Attach #1No Violation Check
3tthrc2t 0.0033.146e-04(2.73+/-0.08)e20.04 +/- 0.09KTT at HRC Bipod Attach #2No Violation Check
3tthrc3t 2.758e-041.219e-04(2.71+/-0.03)e20.00 +/- 0.04KTT at HRC Bipod Attach #3No Violation Check
3ttralat 6.299e-043.433e-04(2.51+/-0.09)e2-0.02 +/- 0.12KTT at Rail A, Abort Htr TSC3No Violation Check
3ttralct 4.691e-041.506e-04(2.69+/-0.04)e20.01 +/- 0.05KTT at Rail C, Abort Htr TSC3No Violation Check
3ttvalvt -0.0024.186e-04(2.58+/-0.11)e2-0.16 +/- 0.14KTT at Vent Valve, Abort Htr TSC7No Violation Check

If you have any questions, please contact

Data Updated: Aug 10, 2023
Last Site Modification: Sep 30, 2021