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                                        Most recent XMM radiation observations
                                 Differential Flux particles/cm2-s-ster-MeV
 UT Date   Time    ---------------------------------- Protons MeV -------------------------------
                          LE1          LE2         HES1         HES2         HESC
  YR MO DA HHMM          1-1.5       1.5-4.5       2.7-9        9-37       12.5-100
2024-Sep18-02:30       16.383        4.686        6.032       10.826        4.561
2024-Sep18-03:30       15.954        4.866        5.916       10.879        4.573
2024-Sep18-04:30       15.501        4.747        5.792       11.100        4.600
2024-Sep18-05:30       17.823        4.861        5.548       10.761        4.492
2024-Sep18-06:30      113.525        4.652        7.089       10.059        4.306
2024-Sep18-07:30     1678.617        4.628      163.020        9.648       15.637
2024-Sep18-08:30     3127.525        4.685      505.151        9.823       38.396
2024-Sep18-09:30     2377.401        4.659      427.211        9.956       31.161
2024-Sep18-10:30     2949.583        4.527      250.219        9.373       17.610
2024-Sep18-11:30      304.927        4.090       58.208        8.719        6.992
2024-Sep18-12:30       81.047        4.042       21.671        8.444        4.559
2024-Sep18-13:30       93.427        4.067       13.434        8.124        4.062
2024-Sep18-14:30       42.085        3.768        8.934        7.749        3.544
2024-Sep18-15:30       14.227        3.420        5.496        7.477        3.148
2024-Sep18-16:30       10.349        3.276        3.974        7.152        2.902
2024-Sep18-17:30       10.383        3.249        3.828        6.273        2.737
2024-Sep18-18:30       10.305        3.517        3.712        6.401        2.824
2024-Sep18-19:30        9.407        3.340        3.606        5.932        2.691
2024-Sep18-20:30        9.033        3.113        3.463        5.771        2.579
2024-Sep18-21:30        8.749        3.077        3.369        5.610        2.500
2024-Sep18-22:30        8.571        2.840        3.346        5.718        2.338
2024-Sep18-23:30        8.281        2.660        3.294        5.603        2.193

The following plots show the orbits of CXO and XMM in GSM coordinates. The left plot is in X-Y plane, and the right plot is in X-Z plane. If the orbit is in green, the satellite is in the solar wind area, if it is in light blue, the satellite is in magnetosheath, and if it is in yellow, the satellite is in magnetosphere.

The periods of the plotted orbits are +/-1.35 days from the current satellite positions (*), and the orange pentagon (*) mark the positions of one day ago.

XMM and CXO orbits in GSM coordinates.

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Email problems to: swolk (Scott Wolk) is all his fault