We continue to prepare a Newsletter for publication roughly once per year. This Newsletter includes essential information as well as providing details on topics of current interest such as calibration updates, software status and science projects. It is available both as a hardcopy and electronically.
Where they are:
How to signup:
In addition to the Newsletter, we have started an electronic bulletin to distribute announcements and to keep you informed of important developments or events more frequently than is possible with the newsletter.
Where they are:
How to signup:
In addition to bulletins we occasionally send out Announcements to the same distribution list. An example would be a notification of a bug fix. They differ from Bulletins primarily in that they are very short, intended just to make sure that users are aware of something new.
Where they are:
How to signup:
An email alias has been initiated allowing users to communicate with one another (and including CXC scientists) in a more informal way.
Where they are:
How to signup:
e-mail to majordomo@head-cfa.harvard.edu, and put subscribe chandra-users in the body of the message (not in the Subject: portion).
A web page has been added to our public site to which users can post any software they may have developed themselves and which they feel other Chandra users may also benefit from using. This software is not supported by the CXC but by the individual scientists who provide it.
Where it is:
How to contribute:
As always, our Helpdesk is available for consultation during working hours and with extended coverage within about 2 weeks of a proposal deadline.
Where it is:
click on ``Helpdesk" at the bottom of our main webpage (http://cxc.harvard.edu), or email: cxchelp@head-cfa.harvard.edu
- Belinda Wilkes