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Last modified: 21 September 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/sherpa3.4/bugs/ut_dcounts.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Utility Bugs: dcounts


  1. Problems calculating flux and counts over a range.

  2. Working in counts/channel space


  1. Problems calculating flux and counts over a range.

    The behavior described in this bug applies to the following commands:

    Given x > 0:

    1. "EFLUX (0:x)" returns the same value as "EFLUX" (i.e. the flux over the full range of the dataset), when it should return the flux integrated from the start of the dataset to x.
    2. "EFLUX (x:0)" returns the same value as "EFLUX (x)." This should return an error since x > 0, so the range isn't sensible.


    replace 0 with a small decimal, e.g. 0.001. Then case 1 gives the correct answer (flux from the start of the dataset to x), and case 2 gives 0 (which at least tells you that you did something wrong).

  2. Working in counts/channel space

    dcounts force you to work in either energy or wavelength space, even if analysis channel has been issued.


    temporarily unset the instrument model. For example, if you have a PHA file, an RMF, and an ARF such as:

    sherpa> data foo.pha
    sherpa> instrument = rsp[rr](foo.rmf,foo.arf)

    then you can do (note that the first command ends at the "="):

    sherpa> instrument = 
    sherpa> analysis channels
    sherpa> dcounts (22:70)
    sherpa> instrument = rr
    sherpa> analysis energy

    to get the counts in a range of channels.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 21 September 2006

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