15 years of Chandra

Poster Presentations

The maximum size for a poster is 3 feet wide by 4 feet long. Posters should be mounted between 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Monday, November 17, or before the 10:30am poster break on Tuesday, and must be removed by the conclusion of Friday's mid-morning break (estimate 10:30 a.m., November 21). Any remaining posters will be removed and discarded after that time.

A poster locator boad will be placed in the Boston Park Plaza's Mezzanine and corresponding poster board labels will help you identify where to hang your poster.

Electronic Submission

Poster presenters will be encouraged to submit their posters in advance of the meeting via FTP.

In addition to the traditional poster boards we plan to have a large screen monitor at the entrance to the poster room. The monitor will display the loop circulating the posters and advertising them. If you would like to have your poster included in the monitor loop please upload a pdf file with the poster to the ftp site before 5pm Monday, Nov.17th.

Please make SURE to name your electronic file:

e.g., poster_Doe_Jane.pdf

We prefer you submit via ftp to a write-only site as follows:

ftp cxc.cfa.harvard.edu
Login: anonymous
Password: - Your Email Address
cd pub/Chandra15
put poster_Doe_Jane.pdf

If you have any trouble with the ftp upload you could also send your electronic presentation by email to 15years@cfa.harvard.edu but send a separate email telling us, in case the spam filters reject a large file.