[Last Change: 09 Oct 2020 (rev 32) — Page History]

SAOTrace Version 2 Installation

The most current version of SAOTrace is version 2.0.5

SAOTrace is provided as source code, Linux packages (both .dep and .rpm), Docker images and archives of the binaries.

File names have embedded version numbers in them, such as 2.y.z. Y and Z are integers, not fractions, so 2.1.10 is a newer version than 2.1.9

Release Notes

Release notes are available hereRead more.

Supported Platforms

SAOTrace is known to run on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. The current version has been compiled and tested on the following platforms:

O/S Vendor/Distribution Version Arch Compilers
        C/C++ Fortran
GNU/Linux Debian 10 x86_64 gcc 8.3.0 gfortran 8.3.0
GNU/Linux Debian 11 x86_64 gcc 9.3.0 gfortran 9.3.0
GNU/Linux CentOS 7 x86_64 gcc 4.8.5 gfortran 4.8.5
GNU/Linux CentOS 8 x86_64 gcc 8.3.1 gfortran 8.3.1
GNU/Linux Fedora 34 x86_64 gcc 10.2.1 gfortran 10.2.1
GNU/Linux Mint 20 x86_64 gcc 9.3.0 gfortran 9.3.0
GNU/Linux Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 gcc 9.3.0 gfortran 9.3.0
GNU/Linux Ubuntu 20.10 x86_64 gcc 10.2.0 gfortran 10.2.0
Mac OS X Apple 10.14 x86_64 Applie 10.0.0 gfortran 8.2.0
Mac OS X Apple 10.15 x86_64 Apple 11.0.3 gfortran 9.3.0

Linux Binary Installations

Docker Image

A Docker image (as a tarball) and a script (run-saotrace) which runs SAOTrace using that image is available download here. The image includes both SAOTrace and the current Chandra raytrace configuration database.

To create a docker image from the tarball, run
sudo docker image load -i saotrace-docker-image-2.y.z.tar.gz

This will create a docker image called saotrace:2.y.z.

To view documentation on how to use run-saotrace, run it as

./run-saotrace --manual

Distribution Packages

Packages for the supported distributions mentioned above are available download here. Choose the directory which matches your distribution.

There are two packages, one for the software, which is installed in /opt/saotrace-2.y.z, and the other for the Chandra raytrace configuration data which is installed in /opt/saotrace-db.

On Debian, Ubuntu, and Mint based systems, install via
sudo apt install ./*.deb

On RedHat, CentOS and Fedora based systems, install via

sudo yum install *.rpm


Archives of the compiled software are available download here. Choose the directory which matches your distribution.

Each directory contains a compressed tar file as well as a file (pkg-depends) which lists the system packages which must be installed. The Chandra raytrace configuration data are not included.

On Debian, Ubuntu, and Mint based systems, install via
sudo apt update
sudo apt install `cat pkg-depends`
sudo tar -C / -xf saotrace-2.y.z.tar.gz

On RedHat, CentOS and Fedora based systems, install via
sudo yum install `cat pkg-depends`
sudo tar -C / -xf saotrace-2.y.z.tar.gz

Building and installing SAOTrace

Download the Source Code

The source code for SAOTrace is available as a single compressed tar file download here.

Unpack the tarball

tar xzvf saotrace-2.y.z.tar.gz

This will create a directory named saotrace-2.y.z.

Follow the Installation Instructions

Please read and follow the instructions in the INSTALL file included in the top directory of the source distribution.


Please contact opticsoft@head.cfa.harvard.edu for all support issues.
This software is not CXC Data Systems software and is not supported in any fashion by them.
Please do not contact the CXC Helpdesk if you have problems.
This page is maintained by the CXC Optics Group
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The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: cxcweb@head.cfa.harvard.edu Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2013. All rights reserved.