earth-acis-FOV CODE documentation

CODE storage:
Configuration control location:
Execution location:
Execution Machine:
Must have access to /data/acis or /data/acis_bak unless the Chandra.stk and Sun.txt ephemeris files are specified through command options. Uses load review directory for MNVR file.
Code Description:

The gory details of the software is stored in the Detailed Design Memo: (still needs minor updates as of 3/07/13)

The result of this software is a list of the Earth' solid angle incident on the cold radiator. This requires the software to know where the Earth and Chandra are in space, and where Chandra is pointing. The Solar ephemeris is used to calculate the pitch of the spacecraft. The MNVR summary file is read to determine the spacecraft pointing. I won't go over the details of the software design as it is covered in the memo.

This is C++ code and uses Arnold Rots' XTime code for the time conversions. Other classes are: Time, Maneuver, quaternion, utils and Ephemeris. The main code is in the file The Makefile controls the builds, but a human must place the executables in the execution directories when a new version is released.

Nancy Adams-Wolk

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Last modified: Wed Mar 6 11:46:19 EST 2013