<acis-fluence_FP6pscaling.pl> CODE documentation

CODE storage:
Configuration control location:
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Code Description:
Reads ACE-flux.dat, the output file produced by ace-flux.pl, and calculates the "ACIS" flux. It adds this amount (multiplied by the sample time = 300 seconds) to the previous value thus producing an orbital fluence. The script is run every 5 mins via CRON. If the fluence in the ACE/EPAM FP6p channel exceeds 1E9, an alert is dispatched to 'acisdude'. The alert also includes the next 3 COMM opportunities in case ground intervention is required. The DSN information comes from reading in a DSN schedule file produced by Robert Cameron. This script reads in the focal plane and gratings history files produced by acis-backstop.pl to determine the "ACIS" flux. It also reads in the Chandra ephemeris to determine where Chandra is in its orbit. The orbital fluences are reset to zero at perigee and the previous orbit's fluences are added to an orbital fluence archive.

Shanil Virani

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Last modified: Wed Jan 14 10:17:37 EST 2004