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Last modified: 10 October 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/dmfilth.html
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Bugs: dmfilth


  1. When using POISSON method, the distribution varies from true Poisson distribution slightly.

  2. BILINT method fails if no background regions are supplied (01 Dec 2006)


  1. When using POISSON method, the distribution varies from true Poisson distribution slightly.

    This is only detectable with many (hundreds) of runs.

  2. BILINT method fails if no background regions are supplied (01 Dec 2006)

    Although the help file correctly states that bkglist parameter is not used in this method, the tool fails if it is left blank.

    unix% dmfilth img_s3.fits output.fits BILINT srclist=@src.lis bkglist=""
    dmfilth (CIAO 3.4): Unable to parse bkglist.
    : Error 0
    # 16968: dmfilth (1) is: exit_upon_error->NULL


    Set any region file in the bkglist parameter. The contents of the file will be ignored and the BILINT method will work as is intended.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 10 October 2007

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