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Last modified: 7 March 2008

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/dmimgcalc.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Bugs: dmimgcalc


  1. dmimgcalc creates an incorrect LIVETIME keyword in the output file.

  2. Boolean operators - such as < and > - are not working on arrays (e.g. images).

  3. dmimgcalc corrupts the file history [New](07 Mar 2008)

  4. Status is not set on error. [New](07 Mar 2008)


  1. dmimgcalc creates an incorrect LIVETIME keyword in the output file.

    Users may need to modify the value of this keyword manually using dmhedit.

  2. Boolean operators - such as < and > - are not working on arrays (e.g. images).

    Note that threshold conditions may be more easily applied by using dmimgthresh instead of this tool.

  3. dmimgcalc corrupts the file history [New](07 Mar 2008)

    dmimgcalc corrupts the history records in the file header, duplicating previous history entries.

  4. Status is not set on error. [New](07 Mar 2008)

    There are several instances where the dmimgcalc exit status is set to 0, even when the command was not successful.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 7 March 2008

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