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Last modified: 10 October 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/dmimgpick.html
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Bugs: dmimgpick


  1. Non-square input images (30 Mar 2007)
    (Linux and Mac OS X platforms)


  1. Non-square input images (30 Mar 2007)
    (Linux and Mac OS X platforms)

    If the input image is not square, dmimgpick exhibits a problem related to how the tool checks if the pixel being "picked" is outside the image.

    While the tool will sometimes fail with a segmentation fault, it may also silently produce incorrect results for non-square images on these platforms.

    Here are the conditions which trigger the bug. Knowing that

    • (x0,y0) is the starting pixel location (e.g. bottom left corner in ds9)
    • xlen is the number of columns
    • ylen is the number of rows
    • (x,y) are the coordinates in the input table for each row

    if ylen > xlen

    all (x,y) where y > (y0+xlen) will have NaNs instead of being joined to correct values

    if ylen < xlen

    all (x,y) where y > (y0+ylen) && y < (y0+xlen) will access random memory and will result in random results including but not limited to the possibility of crashing
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 10 October 2007

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