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Last modified: 21 November 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/dmtcalc.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Bugs: dmtcalc


  1. When using status bits in an expression, only the last condition is checked.

  2. The expression "if(a)then(b)" does not work as expected in dmtcalc if two different columns are used in the comparison.

  3. The tool does not follow the usual order of operations of mathematics when evaluating an expression.

  4. When creating a new double vector column, the results are incorrect if one (but not both) of the values in the expression are integers, even if it is cast as a double.

  5. Virtual columns cannot be used in an expression

  6. Units are not preserved, even for simple calculations.

  7. The speed basically scales as O(N^2): small files are not so bad, but big files slow down exponentially.

  8. The #nan can be use for float-point NaN checks, but integer NULL values cannot be checked the same way.

  9. Problems accessing individual elements in a vector and/or array column

  10. Changing the value of an existing column

  11. There is no way to access elements of an array column such as PHAS, which is a 3x3 array (or 5x5 in VFAINT mode).

  12. Booleans do not work on array columns

  13. Using vector components in a complicated expression may cause dmtcalc to hang. (01 Jun 2006)


  1. When using status bits in an expression, only the last condition is checked.

    When using status bits in an expression such "status==X1F,X3T,X18F", only the last condition (here, "X18F") is checked.


    Set the logic explicitly:

    • logical "AND": status=((bits==X1T)&&(bits==X2T))
    • logical "OR": status=((bits==X1T)||(bits==X2T))
  2. The expression "if(a)then(b)" does not work as expected in dmtcalc if two different columns are used in the comparison.

    For example,

    unix% dmtcalc in.fits out.fits "expr=if(pi>500)then(pi=-1)" 

    works as expected ("pi" used for both pieces of the conditional), but

    unix% dmtcalc in.fits out.fits "expr=if(energy>5000)then(pi=-1)"

    does not work.

  3. The tool does not follow the usual order of operations of mathematics when evaluating an expression.

    For example, the expression


    is treated as


    instead of the expected



    Include the parentheses, as shown in the last code snippet, to force the correct order of operations.

  4. When creating a new double vector column, the results are incorrect if one (but not both) of the values in the expression are integers, even if it is cast as a double.

    For example, this file will work:

    unix% cat ok.expr
    unix% dmlist output_ok.fits'[cols r]' data
    Data for Table Block HISTOGRAM
    ROW R[2]
         1 [ 3.50 4.0]
         2 [ 3.50 4.0]
         3 [ 3.50 4.0]

    while this does not:

    unix% cat not_ok.expr
    unix% dmlist output_not_ok.fits'[cols r]' data
    Data for Table Block HISTOGRAM
    ROW R[2]
         1 [ 3.50 0]
         2 [ 3.50 0]
         3 [ 3.50 0] 
  5. Virtual columns cannot be used in an expression

    For example, when using an event list, one cannot say

    unix%  dmtcalc evt1.fits foo.fits exp='dra=(ra-ra_nom)'

    because the 'ra' column is not a real column in the file; see the virtual columns dictionary entry for an explanation.


    Use Data Model column renaming:

    unix%  dmtcalc evt1.fits"[cols foo=ra,*]" foo.fits expr='dra=(foo-ra_nom)'
  6. Units are not preserved, even for simple calculations.

    If you calculate npha as npha=pha; which should have units of PHA [adu]; but it will be unitless. Even more confusing is pha=pha will be unitless since pha in the output file is treated a new column.

  7. The speed basically scales as O(N^2): small files are not so bad, but big files slow down exponentially.

  8. The #nan can be use for float-point NaN checks, but integer NULL values cannot be checked the same way.

  9. Problems accessing individual elements in a vector and/or array column

    There are various problems doing things like:


    where you try to access the individual elements in a vector and/or array column.

  10. Changing the value of an existing column

    There are issues when changing values of existing columns: what info is kept, what is thrown away (e.g. data types, null, units, descriptions, order in file). In particular there are various problems with arrays vs. vector vs. vector-array columns.

  11. There is no way to access elements of an array column such as PHAS, which is a 3x3 array (or 5x5 in VFAINT mode).

  12. Booleans do not work on array columns

    For example, you cannot do above=(phas>20) since the PHAS array contains 9 (or 25) values. Currently only the first value in the array is checked.

  13. Using vector components in a complicated expression may cause dmtcalc to hang. (01 Jun 2006)

    For example:



    Refer to the component by vector notation instead:


    dmtcalc tries to do this subsitution internally in the first example, but fails.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 21 November 2006

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