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Last modified: 10 October 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/guis.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Bugs: GUIs


  1. Warning: XtRemoveGrab asked to remove a widget not on the list
    (Red Hat 6.2, Red Hat 8.0, and Mac OS X)

  2. Some messages are echoed to the terminal instead of the GUI dialog box.

  3. The default browser for the Help -> On Application menu option is Netscape. (29 Jan 2007)
    (Mac OS X)

  4. "Browse CIAO installation README" from Help -> About menu does not work. (29 Jan 2007)
    (Mac OS X)


  1. Warning: XtRemoveGrab asked to remove a widget not on the list
    (Red Hat 6.2, Red Hat 8.0, and Mac OS X)

    On the Red Hat 6.2, Red Hat 8.0, and Mac OS X platforms, the GUIs (prism, filtwin, taskmonitor, and peg) will issue this message when the GUI is closed via an XPA quit command.

    unix% peg &
    unix% xpaset -p peg quit
    Warning: XtRemoveGrab asked to remove a widget not on the list

    It can be ignored. Other exit methods, such as the Exit option in the File menu or the window-manager's Close option, do not produce this message.

  2. Some messages are echoed to the terminal instead of the GUI dialog box.

  3. The default browser for the Help -> On Application menu option is Netscape. (29 Jan 2007)
    (Mac OS X)

    By default, the Help -> On Application menu is configured to use Netscape, which is not commonly available on Mac OS X machines. An error of this sort is seen:

    Couldn't open file: /Users/username/local/ciao3411/doc/html/prism.html


    1. Edit $ASCDS_INSTALL/config/system/CXCdefaults to remove the "-a Netscape" from the HelpBrowserOpenFILECommand. It will then look like:

      *HelpBrowserOpenFILECommand       : open $ &
    2. Create a local ~/.CXCdefaults file with this syntax:

      unix% cat > ~/.CXCdefaults
      *HelpBrowserOpenFILECommand       : open $ &
  4. "Browse CIAO installation README" from Help -> About menu does not work. (29 Jan 2007)
    (Mac OS X)

    If you select the Help -> About menu item and then select the "Browse CIAO installation README" button, an X terminal appears with the error message:

    xterm: Can't execvp /bin/more: No such file or directory

    On Mac OS X, the program is /usr/bin/more.


    Open the local copy of the README, $ASCDS_INSTALL/README, with the program or pager of your choice.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 10 October 2007

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