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Last modified: 10 October 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/hrc_process_events.html
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Bugs: hrc_process_events


  1. Aspect files must be arranged in chronological order


  1. Degap filename length (16 May 2007)

  2. Failure with level 2 event file (16 May 2007)


  1. Aspect files must be arranged in chronological order

    hrc_process_events assumes that the aspect files given in the acaofffile and alignmentfile parameters are arranged in chronological order. If the files are not in order, the tool will exit with an error.

    If you have not altered the original filenames, a simple "ls" will put them in order, as the time is listed in the filename:

    unix% pwd
    unix% ls -1 pcad*

    Otherwise, get the value from the TSTART header keyword:

    unix% dmkeypar pcad_1.fits TSTART echo+

    and put the files in chronological order.


  1. Degap filename length (16 May 2007)

    There is a 127 character limit to the filename length (including path) of the HRC degap file. If the filename is > 127 characters, then random memory can get over-written.

  2. Failure with level 2 event file (16 May 2007)

    The tool fails if you give it a level 2 file as input, rather than printing an error message. The level 2 file is missing a number of columns required by hrc_process_events.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 10 October 2007

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