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Last modified: 10 October 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/tgdetect.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Bugs: tgdetect


  1. # DMCOPY (CIAO 3.4): Bad data type in filter string formatting

  2. The tool cannot accept a Data Model virtual syntax specification.

  3. The tool exits with an error if run with a SNR threshold of 3. (27 Jun 2006)

  4. Tool doesn't check for .gz files (06 Mar 2007)


  1. # DMCOPY (CIAO 3.4): Bad data type in filter string formatting

    tgdetect may generate the following warning:

    # DMCOPY (CIAO 3.4): Bad data type in filter string formatting

    Prior to CIAO 3.4, this error message was written as:

    # DMCOPY (CIAO 3.3): Filter data type mismatch for DOUBLE 

    It is due to a minor bug in the Data Model, and may be ignored. The output of tgdetect is unaffected by this bug.

  2. The tool cannot accept a Data Model virtual syntax specification.

  3. The tool exits with an error if run with a SNR threshold of 3. (27 Jun 2006)

    WARNING: no sources found with snr > 3
    cp: Insufficient arguments (1)
    Usage: cp [-f] [-i] [-p] f1 f2
           cp [-f] [-i] [-p] f1 ... fn d1
           cp -r|R [-f] [-i] [-p] d1 ... dn-1 dn
    # tgidselectsrc (CIAO 3.4): dsOPENFILEFERR -- ERROR: Could not open file '_sort_out.fits[SRCLIST]'.
    ERROR: The last_exit of tgidselectsrc: 255

    This problem occurs because snr_thresh=3 is the same as the default value of the celldetect thresh parameter. celldetect is called by tgdetect and there is a logic bug that cause a section of code not to execute when these two values are equal.


    Set snr_thresh=4.

  4. Tool doesn't check for .gz files (06 Mar 2007)

    tgdetect will not locate a gzipped input file unless the ".gz" extension is explicitly given.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 10 October 2007

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