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Last modified: 10 October 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/vtpdetect.html
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Bugs: vtpdetect


  1. When vtpdetect is given an image which has been blocked by a factor other than 1, the radii get double-corrected.

  2. vtpdetect with negative coordinates (16 May 2007)


  1. When vtpdetect is given an image which has been blocked by a factor other than 1, the radii get double-corrected.

    For example, a [bin sky=4] image will have radii that are four times too big. Inputting an event file (preferred) or a [bin sky=1] image works correctly.

  2. vtpdetect with negative coordinates (16 May 2007)

    Running vtpdetect on a level 1 event file may fail with an error that all the events are at the same location and the tool cannot tessellate. This is related to the (normal) bad coordinates at the beginning of the ObsID where there is no aspect data.


    If you must work with the evt1.fits file, apply a time filter before running vtpdetect.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 10 October 2007

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