Iris Release Notes
The following updates have been made since the release of Beta 2.5:
- Accepts load.sed SAMP requests (from SedImporter or any other SAMP-enabled app capable of delivering this request). - Quantity (flux density / flux) selector was added; units selector is contextual now. - Reads SED files with no errors present. - Help menu accesses the Iris how-to web page. - Removed counts/sec/pixel units from units selector. - Prevents error array to be shipped to Sherpa for fitting. - Only the sub-set of user preferences that is relevant for Iris shows up on the preferences editor. - Updated preferences menu.Bug fixes
- Fit parameter editors do not cause unnecessary display flickering anymore. - Plot title is preserved when re-plotting. - Fixed logic in log/linear selection for residuals plot. - Fixed CPU bottleneck that impaired building metadata table. - Fixed bug related to non-existent remote SED files. - Fixed bug that prevented Iris from starting from a directory specified in the command line. - Fixed bug that caused invalid internal state when using secondary windows and a fitting is taking place simultaneously.
- The Iris blackbody model no longer expects a certain subset of spectral coordinates. - If the user creates an external SAMP hub and then starts Iris, Specview and Sherpa will use this hub to communicate. If the external hub is shutdown and restarted, Specview and Sherpa will reconnect automatically. This bug fix enables Sherpa to automatically connect to a running hub.
SED Importer
SAMP- SedImporter now starts a hub if it can't find one running. - Unless this feature is disabled by the user using a menu item, a new hub is started whenever SedImporter detects that there is no hub running. This way even if an application that started a hub shuts it down, a new hub will be available to Iris. - SedImporter can now broadcast SED files, using an internal web server. - The SAMP listening mechanism has been changed to be more flexible. If a table is received and no SEDs are currently active a new SED will be created. - Each SED window has a checkbox for receiving SAMP tables: the table will be sent only to the SEDs with a ticked checkbox.Segments
- Segments can now be edited, if they have been imported. NED segments can't be edited. - Segments received through SAMP can be shared among SEDs. If they are edited, the changes will reflect on all the SEDs that contain the segment. - Segments coordinates are now formatted. - Added multitable support: more than one segment can be imported for each file (works natively for FITS and VOTABLE, but custom filters can be written to support multiple tables in files). - Added support for Unknown error. The output will be a file with no error column. - Removed unsupported options for asymmetric errors.File Filters
- Integrated support for dynamically loaded file filters (plugins). A GUI Plugin Manager allows to load and remove plugins (jars), and to display Plugin information. Plugins are installed in a hidden directory in the user's home directory (.vao/iris/importer/plugins). Each plugin can contain an arbitrary number of custom filters. - Some internal refactoring leads to improved efficiency in the filters framework. - The local cache of filters is now driven by URLs so that an instance of the filter is kept in memory for each file. - In the STIL based native filters, the DataSource is determined dynamically to leverage STIL performance capabilities when mapping some files (e.g. binary FITS). - SedImporter can now read compliant files.Smoke Test and Sherpa API
- SedImporter hosts the Smoke Test for the Iris suite: a. The Smoke Test simulates a user session and the underlying SAMP conversation. b. Where possible, the GUI interaction is directly simulated, even though the GUI is never actually shown. c. As a by-product, the SedImporter now hosts a basic Java Sherpa API, based on a type-safe framework for representing arbitrary objects as SAMP messages. d. The Smoke Test also probes the host OS and architecture and warns the user that he/she has installed a mismatching package.Other
- Removed a workaround due to a bug that has been fixed by the NED service. - Changed SedLib version to 1.0. - Introduced FLUX as a quantity (vF(v)). - Removed the "SPV" prefix to quantity names. - On Mac systems the menu bar will be displayed consistently with the Mac conventions for menus. - An overwriting warning is shown to the user when saving a file that already exists.Bug Fixes
- Selecting "SymmetricParameter" could produce an exception. The SymmetricParameter option is now grayed out if the file doesn't contain any parameters. - PYTHONPATH. This environment variable is correctly overridden, so that Iris will not be confused by the user's preexisting Python environment.
- Corrected definition of FITS format NULL Primary image HDU which was from NAXIS=0, NAXIS1=0 to NAXIS=1, NAXIS1=0. - Update FITS comment handling to allow comments with no "COMMENT" tag. e.g.:" GENERAL KEYWORDS " - Correction to FITS handling for COLLECT and CONTRIB keywords which allow and produces scalar representations when only 1 value exists. i.e.: "COLLECT" vs "COLLECT1" - Fix bug in FITS serialization which produced 'TDMAXn' key for Spectral Coverage Bounds.