Guide to Proposing with CPS
Create an Account
- CPS login page
- Under this login form is a link "Create new CPS account"
- Required fields: Username, Email, Password, First and Last Names, Country, Institution, Phone Number
- Optional fields: Mailing address, ORCID, Searchable Opt-In
- Password Requirements:
- Eight or more characters, upper & lower case letters, at least one number and at least one symbol
- Additional Requirements:
- leading or trailing whitespace disallowed
- must include one of the following special characters: `#!@~$%^&*()_-+={[}]|\:;"'>.?/<,
- password can't be too similar to username
- password can't be too similar to email
Start a Proposal (from scratch)
- Log into CPS - this brings you to the Home Page
- Click on the "New Proposal" Button
- Fill in the required information:
- Clone proposal = No
- Who are you (PI/coI/other)
- Subject Category
- Proposal Type
- Answer the question: Has this proposal already been approved by the HST, NRAO or XMM Review and allocated Chandra time? (default is NO)
- Click on "Create Proposal"
Start a Proposal (cloning an existing proposal)
- Select the proposal you want to use as a template:
- Click on "Clone Selected" button
- Confirm information
- Click on "Create Proposal"
Add Targets (blank/clones)
- Go to the targets section of your proposal.
- If this is the first target in your proposal, a default blank target already exists:
- To edit the default target, double click on Row 1 of the table, or click once and then click the "Modify Selected" button.
- If you want another target, click the "Add Target(s)" button.
- For blank targets: Enter the number of new targets you want to add, then click "Create Target(s)"
- To clone existing targets: Select target name from drop down list before entering the number of clones you want and clicking "Create Target(s)"
Add Targets (from a list)
- Click on "Add Target(s)"
- Check "Upload File" in the Add Target Section
- Browse and select file: Comma-delimited text file of rows containing the fields: Target Name,RA,Dec,Exposure Time(ksec),Count Rate
- Click on "Create Target(s)"
Edit Targets
To edit a target, select it from the target list table and click on "Modify Selected", or simply double-click in the row.
The target fields are presented in a series of tabs, you will need to save your work when switching between tabs.
Upload Science Justification, Team Expertise file
These can be found in the "Supporting Files" section of a proposal.
- Select which type of file you want to upload, then browse and upload your file.
- After upload, you will be able to open and check the file to be sure is it correct.
- You can overwrite versions by uploading a new file. We do not preserve old copies of the pdfs, only the latest upload.
- If you are not the PI, you will not be able to view the pdf, you will only be able to see the uploaded timestamp.
Validate a Proposal
Proposal validation results are found in the "Validation" section of a proposal.
Depending on the size and complexity of your proposal, it may take a little while for the results to load into the page. You have the option to click on the link to "View results in new window", this will pop up the validation results table in a new window.
Note that if you make changes to a proposal after opening a separate validation window, you will need to reload that window to see the latest results.
- The validation results columns (from left to right):
- type of error/warning,
- the Page of the proposal that the error originates from (indicating which section of the proposal has an issue),
- the Target number (if applicable),
- and the full error/warning message.
Errors are problems that must be fixed before submitting. Warnings are to let the proposer know about potential problems, but will not prevent submission of the proposal.
Submit a Proposal
Once there are no errors in the validation results, the proposal can be submitted.
- In the "Submit" section, check the box "I have reviewed my application and believe it to be ready for submission."
- Click on "Save".
- This will pop up a window asking "I have reviewed my application and believe it to be ready for submission." Click on "Ok".
- This submits the proposal and returns you to the Home page.
Fixing Mistakes after Submitting
If it is before the proposal deadline and you need to fix a mistake, you can return to edit the proposal and re-submit.
If you modify a previously submitted proposal, you will need to go through the submission process again. The modified version will not be considered as submitted.
If it is after the deadline, please contact the CXC Helpdesk