ChIPS was removed from CIAO in the CIAO 4.12 release, with plotting now handled by Matplotlib.
Please see the ChIPS to Matplotlib conversion guide and contact the CXC Helpdesk if more help is needed.
How do I change the appearance/location of the axis labels?
Note: the axis label refers to the (normally) textual label offset from the axis; the (normally) numeric labels drawn at major tick marks are referred to as "ticklabels" in ChIPS.
The set_axis, set_xaxis and set_yaxis commands are used to change the appearance of the axis label. In the example below we use set_axis to change the color, size, and font of both axis labels:
chips> set_axis(["label.font", "times", "label.color", "green", "label.size", 18])
The get_xaxis and get_yaxis commands can be used to find the current settings: here we show the Y axis values after the above command has been called:
chips> get_yaxis().label color = green font = times fontstyle = normal halign = 0.5 size = 18 valign = 0.0 visible = True chips> get_yaxis().y label.angle = 90.0 label.text = stem = None
The halign, valign, and angle attributes above control the position of the label with respect to a control point; this control point is determined by the offset.perpendicular and offset.parallel settings of an axis:
chips> get_yaxis().offset parallel = 0.0 perpendicular = 40.0
The units are pixels, so to move a label further away from an axis (whether X or Y), increase the offset.perpendicular setting; for instance
chips> set_yaxis(["offset.perpendicular", 60])
Axes and borders
The borders around a plot - which can be displayed or hidden by changing the style attribute of the plot - will reflect the major properties of the plot axes (e.g. limits and scaling); they act like bound axes. For those properties that are not synchronised with the plot axes, the set_axis command can be used, either with the specific name of the border (reported by the info command), or by using the label "all":
chips> set_axis('by2', ['minortick.visible', False]) chips> set_axis('all', ['', 'outside', '', 'outside'])
The ChIPS GUI makes it easy to modify a visualization using your mouse, rather than Python functions. The GUI can also be used to add annotations - such as labels, lines, points and regions - and to zoom or pan into plots.