Last modified: 12 December 2018

What items have been created?

The info routine returns a description of what objects exist, and their names. For example,

chips> info() 

Window [win1]
  Frame [frm1]
    Plot [plot1]   (0.15,0.15)  .. (0.90,0.90)
      Border bottom [bx1]  top [bx2]  left [by1]  right [by2]
      X Axis [ax1]
      Y Axis [ay1]
      Curve [crv1]
      Curve [crv2]
      Line [line1]
      Label [lbl1]

shows that there are two curves, called crv1 and crv2, in a plot that also contains a line and a label. The plot covers most of the frame, from 15 to 90 per cent of both the horizontal and vertical directions.

There are three preference settings which control the presentation of the info() routine. For instance, after setting both info.current and info.depth to true, the output of info() becomes (where bold text indicates reverse-video output):

Window [win1]
  Frame [frm1]
    Plot [plot1]   (0.15,0.15)  .. (0.90,0.90)
      Border bottom [bx1]  top [bx2]  left [by1]  right [by2]
      X Axis [ax1]          d 100    
      Y Axis [ay1]          d 100    
      Curve [crv1]          d 100    
      Curve [crv2]          d 100    
      Line [line1]          d 100    
      Label [lbl1]          d 100