ChIPS was removed from CIAO in the CIAO 4.12 release, with plotting now handled by Matplotlib.
Please see the ChIPS to Matplotlib conversion guide and contact the CXC Helpdesk if more help is needed.
How do I plot a curve from a file?
The make_figure and add_curve commands can plot data from a file (in both FITS binary and ASCII formats).
Two columns: A set of (x,y) points.
make_figure("file.lis[cols x,y]") add_curve("file.lis[cols x,y]")
This will plot up columns x and y from the file file.lis.
Three columns: A set of (x,y) points with symmetric errors on y.
make_figure("file.lis[cols x,y,dy]") add_curve("file.lis[cols x,y,dy]")
This will plot up columns x and y from the file file.lis, and draw symmetric error bars whose length is given by the dy column. The dy values should be >= 0.
Four columns: A set of (x,y) points with asymmetric errors on y.
make_figure("file.lis[cols x,y,dylo,dyhi]") add_curve("file.lis[cols x,y,dylo,dyhi]")
This will plot up columns x and y from the file file.lis, and draw asymmetric error bars whose lengths are given by the dylo and dyhi columns (which should both be >= 0).