ChIPS was removed from CIAO in the CIAO 4.12 release, with plotting now handled by Matplotlib.
Please see the ChIPS to Matplotlib conversion guide and contact the CXC Helpdesk if more help is needed.
Can I use a contour file created by ds9?
The CIAO scripts package, available from the Scripts page, provides the add_ds9_contours routine as part of the chips_contrib.utils module. This command will plot up the contours from a DS9 contours file (e.g. ds9.con) with optional coordinate conversion (for example, to allow you to display contours saved in equatorial coordinates on an image displayed in physical coordinates.
from chips_contrib.utils import * clear() add_image("img.fits") add_ds9_contours("ds9.con")
One reason for doing this is that it lets you use ds9 to create contours for an image with a WCS projection that is not supported by ChIPS (e.g. SIN), and then display them directly, or on top of an image in ChIPS.
Examples: Displaying contours from DS9; Reading in data from FITS and ASCII files.