Gallery of ChIPS examples
Introductory examples
- Plot two columns from a file
- A radial profile drawn as a histogram
- Contour an image using the WCS axes
- Display an image with a color bar
- Two curves in a plot
- Multiple histograms within a plot
- Reading in data from FITS and ASCII files
- Use the sky coordinate system to contour an image
- Display an image and overlay contours
- Placing one plot within another plot
- Plotting related values in a strip chart
- Using a filled region (solid) to show the error bounds
- Filling a region with a pattern to show the error bounds
- Display a three-color image
- Re-sizing a plot to match the aspect ratio of an image
- Moving an axis, plotting a cumulative distribution, and using Sherpa
Basic curves
- A curve marked with symbols and connected by a red line
- A curve marked with diamonds
- A curve connected by a dotted line
- A curve showing the full range of options
Overplotting curves
- Displaying (x,y) data points as a histogram
- Displaying (xlow,xhigh,y) data points as a histogram
- A histogram which shows the bin edges
- A histogram showing the full range of options
- Filling a histogram with a pattern
- Comparing two histograms
- A simple contor plot
- Two sets of contours in the same plot
- Contouring an image using the WCS information
- Displaying contours from DS9
- Overlay Chandra contours on an optical image
- The alpha channel can be used to blend together multiple images
- Show the different colormaps available within ChIPS
- Using extra colormaps, read from a file
- Creating a color map directly
- Adjusting the alpha values to hide low-signal data
- Overlay a plot on an image
- WCS Axis grids
- Create a grid of thumbnail images of Chandra sources
Multiple plots
- Data, fit, and residuals
- Data, residuals, and contours in one frame
- Data and residuals in one frame, contours in another
- A scatterplot of the Fisher Iris data set
- Using regular-sided regions to show the fill styles provided by ChIPS
- Using regions to display the field-of-view files of a Chandra observation
- Comparing Chandra and Suzaku observations
- The COSMOS survey
Sharing an axis between plots
- Three datasets in separate plots with a common axis
- Three datasets in separated plots
- Three datasets in separate plots with a hidden X axis
- A grid where the plots share axes and the plot sizes are different
Error bars
Axis styles and grids
- The default plot style is to show all four axes (closed)
- The open plot style only displays two axes
- The boxed plot style draws a box around the plot
- Numeric labels (ticklabels) on all four axes
- Rotating the numbers along an axis
- Changing the format used to display the labels
- Using sexagesimal notation for the axis labels
- Changing the number of major tick marks (using mode=interval)
- Changing the number of major tick marks (using mode=count)
- Displaying a grid at the major tick mark locations
- Add a grid at the major and minor tick mark locations
- Grids work with logarithmically-scaled axes too
- Change the axis labels to use strings rather than numbers
- Adding a background to a plot
Adding axes
- Using a line to indicate an axis
- Adding an extra axis to a plot
- Adding extra axes to a plot
- A single plot containing two datasets with a common axis
- Two y axes on the left of the plot
- Creating axes using a WCS transform