Scripting in CIAO
- Introduction
- What is scripting?
- A very simple demonstration: plotting data
- A digression: whitespace in ChIPS and Sherpa
- A digression: running external commands
- Interactive scripting
- Where next?
This talk/demonstration aims to introduce you to using the Python programming language, to enhance your productivity when analyzing data using CIAO. It is not an introduction or tutorial to Python; for that I suggest either talking to the grad students in your department, the pythonusers email list here at the CfA, or
(I found 'Dive Into Python' to be helpful but unfortunately the web site no longer exists).
It's also useful to know about:
- NumPy (Numerical Python)
- which provides much of the capabilites that make Python a useful language for scientific data analysis.
- AstroPython
- a new site for Astronomers who use Python.
What is scripting?
Here's one definition - the ability to make the computer do all the boring, repetitive, computational tasks, such as (but not limited to)
- easily generate a plot so that when you show it to your boss and they ask "Can you just twiddle this label a bit and add on Joan's data?" you don't have to redo everything;
- regenerate all the results and plots for you paper because the referee asked you what difference the latest CALDB makes to your analysis;
- repeat an analysis task you developed for one dataset with others you find in the archive;
- and develop routines that perform common (and not-so-common) tasks that you can use from Sherpa and ChIPS (i.e. interactively).
The aim is to spend less time writing these scripts and routines than it would to do it manually!
A very simple demonstration: plotting data
We shall begin with creating a simple plot in ChIPS, using the interactive application, and then work through various steps and approaches for "scripting" this task.
Here's the data file we want to plot; it contains K-band magnitudes of a bunch of brightest-cluster galaxies:
unix% cat bcg.txt
# name z Lx pos mk alpha
ms0002_8 0.116 1.643 1 12.38 7.830333e-01
ms0007_2 0.050 0.517 1 11.11 4.452510e-01
Download this data file: bcg.txt
unix% dmstat "bcg.txt[cols lx]" sig- Lx min: 0.04 @: 21 max: 19.976 @: 18 mean: 3.5656896552 sum: 310.215 good: 87 null: 0
Starting ChIPS, we can quickly create a basic plot of the data:
unix% chips Welcome to ChIPS: CXC's Plotting Package ----------------------------------------- CIAO 4.2 Monday, November 30, 2009 chips-1> make_figure("bcg.txt[cols z,lx]") chips-2> set_curve(["", "noline", "", "circle"]) chips-3> from chips_contrib import * chips-4> ylog() chips-5> set_plot_ylabel("L_x [10^{44} erg s^{-1}]") chips-6> add_label(0.6, 0.1, "A spiffy plot", ["size", 18]) chips-7> set_label(["halign", 0.5]) chips-8> ,ahelp print_windowchips-9> print_window("bcg-z-lx.png")
![[Plot of Lx versus z]](bcg-z-lx.png)
These are all Python commands, provided by these ChIPS module (apart from ylog and the ,ahelp lines). The chips application provides a Python "interpreter" (a so-called REPL if you want to get fancy) at which you can enter commands. In this example we have not tried anything too fancy.
There are a range of ways we can automate the creation of this plot, which we explore below.
Using the ChIPS and Sherpa state mechanisms
This is not really scripting, but it may provide all you need for this simple situation. There are several ChIPS and Sherpa commands that will save the current session, allowing you to re-create it at a later time or to send it to a collaborator.
- script (ChIPS and Sherpa)
This command will save all the commands you have entered at the ChIPS or Sherpa prompt to a text file.
chips> script("")
the file can be loaded into a ChIPS session by saying one of:
unix% chips
to start a new session, or
chips> execfile("")
to load it into an existing session. The same commands work in Sherpa.
- save_state (ChIPS) and save (Sherpa)
These create binary-format files (so it is not human readable) which allow you to recreate the ChIPS visualization or Sherpa session in another session, even on a different machine. The files can be used on any operating system on which CIAO runs. The binary files include all the data needed to recreate the plots (ChIPS) or the fits (Sherpa), so you do not also need to package the original data files.
chips> save_state("example1.state")
the file can be loaded into a ChIPS session by saying:
chips> load_state("example1.state")
The equivalent commands in Sherpa are:
sherpa> save("")
sherpa> restore("")
The file name need not end in .state or .save.
- make_script (ChIPS) and save_all (Sherpa)
These create a file of Python commands which, when run, will re-create the ChIPS visualization or Sherpa fits.
If necessary, the make_script command will save out the data files to FITS files, but it can refer to existing files (e.g. if you used the high-level commands like make_figure to create the plots). Although the output is a set of Python commands, it is unlikely to look like the commands you entered to create the visualization in the first place!. The save_all command does not save data (so it will not work fully with data that has been created or manipulated rather than read in straight from a file).
chips> make_script("")
the file can be loaded into a ChIPS session by saying one of:
unix% chips
to start a new session, or
chips> execfile("")
to load it into an existing session.
The equivalent commands in Sherpa are:
sherpa> save_all("")
sherpa> execfile("")
The following "copy & paste" section discusses more about this.
Simple copy and pasting
The commands you used can be copied into a text file and then loaded into ChIPS or Sherpa. For instance:
from chips_contrib import *
# Load in the data
make_figure("bcg.txt[cols z,lx"])
# Adjust the attributes/look of the plot
set_curve(["", "noline", "", "circle"])
set_plot_ylabel("L_x [10^{44} erg s^{-1}]")
add_label(0.6, 0.1, "A spiffy plot", ["size", 18])
set_label(["halign", 0.5])
# Print out
print_window("bcg-z-lx.png", ["clobber", True])
print "Created: bcg-z-lx.png"
- Download this code:
We have added comment lines (those that begin with '#'), moved the import of the chips_contrib module to the start of the file, set the clobber attribute to True in the print_window call, and told the user what we have done with the print line.
This file can then be loaded using one of the following approaches:
From within ChIPS or Sherpa:
chips> execfile("")
When starting ChIPS or Sherpa:
unix% chips ... Created: bcg-z-lx.png chips-2>
This will leave you at the prompt, which is useful if you want to use this as a starting point for further work.
Use the "batch" mode when starting ChIPS or Sherpa:
unix% chips -b ... Created: bcg-z-lx.png unix%
Once all the commands have been processed, ChIPS (or Sherpa) will exit, leaving you back at the prompt. This also turns off the ChIPS "set_window"redraw" mode, so you will not see an on-screen version of the ChIPS window flash up and then disappear.
Making a more "script-like" script
The previous section showed our first script, and used ChIPS to execute it. Here we will change the script so that it can be run just like a tool, and include simple processing of command-line arguments.
We start the file with a "shebang line" which tells the system what program we want to run/interepret the code (in this case python), so that the top of the file now looks like:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Load in the modules that the ChIPS application provides for us
from pychips import *
from pychips.hlui import *
We have also had to explicitly load the ChIPS modules (the ChIPS application loads these in for us, which is why you haven't seen them before). The rest of the file matches If given the excutable bit - e.g. via chmod u+x spiffy-plot-script - then we can just say
unix% ./spiffy-plot-script
to run it, otherwise we have to use
unix% python spiffy-plot-script
We now decide that we want to give an arbitrary file name for the input and output: first we try using simple Python commands, then will show an example of using the CIAO parameter interface, using the paramio module.
Simple python argument parsing
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from pychips import *
from pychips.hlui import *
import chips_contrib as ctrb
def usage(progname):
"Error out with a usage message"
print "Usage: %s <infile> <outfile>" % progname
def plotfile(infile, outfile):
"""Plot up the lx versus z columns of infile
and create a PNG version in outfile."""
# Load in the data
make_figure("%s[cols z,lx]" % infile)
# Adjust the attributes/look of the plot
ci = ChipsCurve() = "noline" = "circle"
set_plot_ylabel("L_x [10^{44} erg s^{-1}]")
add_label(0.6, 0.1, "A spiffy plot", ["size", 18, "halign", 0.5])
ofile = "%s.png" % outfile
print_window(ofile, ["clobber", True])
print "Created: %s" % ofile
# If run as a script, call the routine
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Check script was called correctly
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
# Call the routine whilst
# emulating the "batch-mode" of ChIPS
set_preference("window.display", "false")
plotfile(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
- Download this code: pyarguments
Here we see our first example of white space/indentation where blocks of related code - in this case those in each routine or within an "if" statement - are all indented the same amount.
The Python getopt module can be used if the interface needs to be anything more complicated than a simple list of strings.
Argument handling using the paramio module
The paramio module, provided as part of CIAO, allows you to write scripts that have the same parameter interface as CIAO tools. Unfortunately there is no documentation for the Python version yet, but you can use the S-Lang version as a guide ("ahelp paramio").
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from pychips import *
from pychips.hlui import *
import chips_contrib as ctrb
import paramio
def usage(progname):
"Error out with a usage message"
print "Usage: %s <infile> <outfile>" % progname
def plotfile(infile, outfile):
"""Plot up the lx versus z columns of infile
and create a PNG version in outfile."""
# Load in the data
make_figure("%s[cols z,lx]" % infile)
# Adjust the attributes/look of the plot
ci = ChipsCurve() = "noline" = "circle"
set_plot_ylabel("L_x [10^{44} erg s^{-1}]")
add_label(0.6, 0.1, "A spiffy plot", ["size", 18, "halign", 0.5])
ofile = "%s.png" % outfile
print_window(ofile, ["clobber", True])
print "Created: %s" % ofile
# If run as a script, call the routine
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Process the arguments
pname = "paramarguments"
fp = paramio.paramopen(pname, "rwL", sys.argv)
infile = paramio.pgetstr(fp, "infile")
outfile = paramio.pgetstr(fp, "outfile")
# Call the routine whilst
# emulating the "batch-mode" of ChIPS
set_preference("window.display", "false")
plotfile(infile, outfile)
- Download this code: paramarguments
You will also need a "default" parameter file - e.g.
unix% cat paramarguments.par infile,f,a,"",,,"File containing z and lx columns" outfile,f,a,"",,,"Plot will be called outfile.png" mode,s,h,"ql",,,
which should be placed in one of the "system" parameter directories; see ahelp parameter for more information.
A digression: whitespace in ChIPS and Sherpa
You can split commands over multiple lines in ChIPS and Sherpa (which are actually just "front ends" around the ipython interactive Python shell). Due to the whitespace behavior of Python, you can even define routines at the prompt. Some examples include:
chips> add_curve(np.arange(10), np.arange(10)**2, ["", "square", "symbol.fill", False, "", "noline"]) chips> def sqplot(lo,hi): x = np.arange(lo, hi+1) add_curve(x, x**2, ["", "none"]) chips> sqplot(21,27)
chips> x = np.arange(4,10) <Prompt is here>
A digression: running external commands
There are a number of ways you can run external programs - such as wavdetect, dmextract, or mkexpmap - from Python. These include:
The os.system command, which runs a command and tells you if it failed or succeeded:
chips> os.system("ls") ... 0 chips> val = os.system("dmextract infile=" + infile + " outfile=" + outfile + " mode=h")
In the second call, we use the + operator to combine strings (it is not as general as string formatting but can be simpler when all you have is strings), and spread the input over two lines). In general a return value of 0 indicates success, otherwise there has been some form of failure (although this is not guaranteed to always be the case).
You will need to "quote" or "protect" arguments - such as file names - that contain spaces, or quotes themselves (this can happen a lot with DataModel filters), otherwise you can get bizarre error messages from the system call. An alternative is - for CIAO tools - to use the pset routine from the paramio module to explicitly set the desired parameter values, and then call the tool with the mode set to "h".
If you want to check the output of the command - i.e. parse the text that it prints to the screen - then you should use the subprocess module (again, this is included as part of the Python distribution). It can also be used as a replacement for the os.system call above (in particular it has advantages if you want to send in multiple arguments, as well as generally being "safer").
chips> import subprocess as sbp chips> val =["dmextract", "infile=" + infile", "outfile=" + outfile, "mode=h"])
We don't have time to discuss using the subprocess.Popen routine. The Wrapping command-line programs post by Dalke Scientific Software provides a lot more gory details.
Interactive scripting
We are now going to change focus, and look at scripting in an interactive session (we will actually focus more on using numpy than scripting, per se, but I was told to make this about scripting).
Working with tables
We will use routines from the Crates module to read in data, and then numpy routines to calculate some basic statistics:
chips> cr = read_file("bcg.txt") chips> print (get_col_names(cr)) ['name' 'z' 'Lx' 'pos' 'mk' 'alpha'] chips> z = copy_colvals(cr, "z") chips> lx = copy_colvals(cr, "lx") chips> print (lx) [ 1.643 0.517 14.639 1.294 0.824 6.97 15.5 0.977 0.33 ... 2.041 3.291 3.031 3.06 3.28 0.392] chips> lx.min()0.040000000000000001 chips> lx.max() 19.975999999999999 chips> lx.mean() 3.5656896551724135 chips> np.median(lx)
2.3039999999999998 chips> print("Sum of Lx is %g from %d points" % (lx.sum(), len(lx)))
Sum of Lx is 310.215 from 87 points
So, we have finally got to calculating the same statistics as dmstat did earlier. To get the location of the minimum and maximum values, we can again take advantage of numpy:
chips> np.argmin(lx) 20 chips> np.argmax(lx) 17 chips> print("Lx range is %.3f to %.3f" % (lx[20], lx[17])) Lx range is 0.040 to 19.976
We can even do filtering (ala the Data Model). In the following we print out the luminosities greater than 10, and then the corresponding redshifts of these objects.
chips> i, = np.where(lx>10) chips> print(lx[i]) [ 14.639 15.5 19.976 10.3 10.624 16.029 15.621] chips> print(z[i]) [ 0.546 0.833 0.55 0.549 0.327 0.259 0.313]
chips> good, = np.where(lx>5) chips> bad = np.where(lx>5) chips> lx[good[4]] 6.2039999999999997 chips> lx[bad[4]] IndexError: tuple index out of range chips> lx[bad[0][4]] 6.2039999999999997
Creating a module for plotting an aspect file
Now we use this to plot up derived quantities from a data file: in this case we want to plot up how the RA and DEC columns from a Chandra aspect file vary as a function of time. Rather than using the native time values, we want to use something useful - so we decide to use kiloseconds since the start of the file - and we want to see how the positions vary about their median values.
chips> cr = read_file("asol1.fits")
chips> t = copy_colvals(cr, "time")
chips> xt = (t - t[0]) / 1e3
chips> ra = copy_colvals(cr, "ra")
chips> dec = copy_colvals(cr, "dec")
chips> args = ["", "none"]
chips> add_curve(xt, ra - np.median(ra), args)
chips> args.extend(["line.color", "brown"]
chips> add_curve(xt, dec - np.median(dec), args)
chips> set_plot_xlabel(r"\Delta T (ks)")
chips> set_plot_title(r"\Delta RA \color{brown}{\Delta Dec}")
Download this data file: asol1.fits
![[Plot of aspect solution differences versus time]](asol1.png)
chips> cd = get_col(cr, "time") chips> print("Units of time column: %s" % cd.unit)Units of time column: s
TypeError: 'str' object is not callable
If you want to do this for multiple files then you can write a routine to automate this. In this case we want to give a file name and create the plot, so we want something like:
"""Plot up aspect solutions.
At present, this is a pretty empty module, containing
only the deltaplot routine.
from pycrates import *
from pychips import *
from pychips.hlui import *
import pychips.advanced as adv
__all__ = ("deltaplot", )
def deltaplot(filename, color="brown"):
"""Plot up the changes in ra and dec versus
time (measured as an offset since the start of
the file, converted to kiloseconds), using
the median level of each column as the base value."""
# This will throw an error if the columns do not
# exist
cr = read_file("%s[cols time, ra, dec]" % filename)
tunit = get_col(cr, "time").unit
if tunit != "s":
raise IOError("Units of time column in %s are not seconds but %s" %
(filename, tunit))
t = copy_colvals(cr, "time")
xt = (t - t[0]) / 1e3
ra = copy_colvals(cr, "ra")
dec = copy_colvals(cr, "dec")
yra = ra - np.median(ra)
ydec = dec - np.median(dec)
# Run all ChIPS commands as if they were a single
# command for undo/redo purposes
add_curve(xt, yra, ["", "none"])
add_curve(xt, ydec, ["", "none", "line.color", color])
set_plot_xlabel(r"\Delta T (ks)")
set_plot_title(r"\Delta RA \color{%s}{\Delta Dec}" % color)
# Throw out all the ChIPS commands and then
# re-throw the error
# We have finished the ChIPS commands, so close the buffer
# so that they are displayed
- Download this code:
(* actually, this isn't quite true, since we also have all the names from the ChIPS and Crates modules that we loaded in)
If is in your current directory, then you can load it as if it were a module (that's because it is!):
chips> import asolplot as ap chips> help apHelp on module asolplot: NAME asolplot - Plot up aspect solutions. FILE /Users/dburke/ciao/talks/ciao-workshop-2010/scripting/ DESCRIPTION At present, this is a pretty empty module, containing only the deltaplot routine. FUNCTIONS deltaplot(filename, color='brown') Plot up the changes in ra and dec versus time (measured as an offset since the start of the file, converted to kiloseconds), using the median level of each column as the base value. DATA __all__ = ('deltaplot',) chips> ap.deltaplot("asol1.fits") chips> erase() chips> ap.deltaplot("asol1.fits", "green")
chips> erase() chips> ap.deltaplot("asol1.fits", color="red") chips> erase() chips> ap.deltaplot("asol1.fits", color="green-with-yellow-polkadots")
chips ERROR: The color 'green-with-yellow-polkadots' is unknown or not supported
Playing with images
Here we are going to read in and then display an image. The support for images in ChIPS is new in CIAO 4.2 and is missing some useful capabilites, such as using anything but a linear scale for the pixel values. However, we can manually transform the image to the scale we want, and then display that, so let's see how we go about that.
chips> cr = read_file("a2142_smoothed.fits") chips> add_image(cr)
which doesn't provide a great view of all the data in this image (we show the image below). We therefore want to try other scalings, such as logarithmic. First we need to get the pixel data out of the Crate:
chips> ivals = copy_piximgvals(cr) chips> ivals.shape (366, 366) chips> ivals.min()0.0 chips> ivals.max() 60.028152 chips> ivals.median()
AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'median' chips> np.median(ivals) 0.27045124769210815 chips> i, = np.where(ivals > 0)
ValueError: too many values to unpack chips> i = np.where(ivals > 0) chips> i (array([ 0, 0, 0, ..., 365, 365, 365]), array([147, 148, 149, ..., 219, 220, 221])) chips> np.median(ivals[i]) 1.6809247732162476
Now we can compare several different scalings: linear, logarithmic, and asinh:
chips> clear() chips> split(2, 2, 0.1, 0.1) chips> add_image(ivals) chips> set_plot_title("linear") chips> current_plot("plot2") chips> add_image(np.log10(ivals)) chips> set_plot_title("log10") chips> current_plot("plot3") chips> add_image(np.arcsinh(ivals)) chips> set_plot_title("asinh") chips> delete_plot("plot4")
![[Chandra view of A2142 viewed with different scaling]](compare-images.png)
The logarithmic scaling shows the image wrap around from smoothing the image using the edges=wrap setting of aconvolve (the "secondary" blobs at the corners of each chip).
So, the asinh scaling gives a nice view of the dynamic range of the data, but we have lost the coordinate information of the axes (the plots above use the pixel coordinates). We need the coordinate information that is stored in the crate (i.e. cr); one way of doing this is to replace the image values with their scaled values in the crate itself:
chips> cr = read_file("a2142_smoothed.fits") chips> ivals = copy_piximgvals(cr) chips> set_piximgvals(cr, np.arcsinhh(ivals)) 1 chips> add_image(cr) chips> set_xaxis(["tickformat", "ra"]) chips> set_yaxis(["tickformat", "dec"]) chips> set_image(["colormap", "rainbow"])
![[Chandra view of A2142 viewed with the asinh scaling]](img-arcsinh.png)
This could be automated - made into a routine - and it may well make it into the chips_contrib module at some point in the future. It could look something like:
import pycrates
import pychips.all as chips
import numpy as np
__all__ = ("imgscale", )
def imgscale(filename, scaling="arcsinh", cmap="rainbow"):
"""Display the image in filename using the given
scaling and colormap (cmap).
The value for scaling should be the name of any routine
provided by numpy which has the form 'y = np.funcname(x)'.
if hasattr(np, scaling):
func = getattr(np, scaling)
raise AttributeError("There is no numpy routine called '%s'" %
cr = pycrates.read_file(filename)
ivals = pycrates.copy_piximgvals(cr)
nvals = func(ivals)
dummy = pycrates.set_piximgvals(cr, nvals)
if dummy != 1:
raise StandardError("Unable to change pixel values in crate. Weird!")
chips.add_image(cr, ["colormap", cmap])
chips.set_xaxis(["tickformat", "ra"])
chips.set_yaxis(["tickformat", "dec"])
- Download this code:
Where next?
Please see Tom's talk tomorrow where these concepts will be extended to use Sherpa for advanced data analysis and modelling.
The ChIPS and Sherpa galleries provide some simple (and slightly-more complex) examples.